3: Pretty Little Head

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I woke up to my mum shaking me violently since I'm such a heavy sleeper.

"Selena honey wake up, we're here" I got up and gave my body a little stretch, walking out of the bedroom compartment straight into the bathroom where I fix myself and throw my hair up in a ponytail grabbing my sunglasses and putting them on. My belongings were sitting right near the door so I lift them up and walk down the long stairs where a black SUV car was waiting for us.

"Hello Ms.Gomez and Mrs Teefey" the driver cheerfully speaks, and I groan since its like 10 in the morning. This might not seem early for you, but when you're a worldwide singer and have shows after shows you sure do get tired fast. My mum and I said our hellos and sat inside the car. It took us to some terminal gate where Justin was standing at. I quickly run out of the car in excitement and jumped on him.

"Well Hello to you to" he gave me a kiss on my forehead. My mum was slowly walking behind me.

"Hello Mrs. Teefey" Justin leans in to give her a hug and my mum hugs him back.

"Take care of my young one" my mum laughed and Justin just nodded his head.

"Hope you have a great stay and hope to see you soon" Justin grabbed his bags and we started to walk towards the car which will take us to our hotel room, that we are staying in for about the next 5 hours. As we walked into our hotel room, the realization hit me and I immediately felt so nervous so I headed straight into the bathroom before I would faint.

Finally this was it. It was really happening and I couldn't be more excited. The fact IK would be back to the place I spent so much of my childhood, I would be visiting again. Not only would I be trying to put on the greatest show but having my best friend that I literally forgot about being in the same city as I was terrifying.

The feeling was greatly overwhelming, exciting, terrifying and anxious all at once. But most of all I felt a deep joy. I was waiting for this day for the past 4 years and it's finally here. I don't expect everything to be just okay but I will try. I will try to make sure everything gets back to where it was all this time ago. Although I hardly think it's possible. I mean, it's my fault after all that I left him, but he probably didn't do anything huge and it was probably just us chilling like we typically would do when we meet up.

"Selena, can I come in babe?" I heard Justin from outside my room. Sighing I got up from the toilet and opened the door for my boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend, as in we're in a relationship. The change was really hard, my career was getting out of control speculations that I was with a different man every week or how I was secretly a lesbian so my management team told me to get into a relation, not only will it help the rumours to be put to rest but I would get a lot of publicity out of it. Everything was just too much for me but Justin helped me, being the support that I needed, the kind which I never got from my parents and he helped me stand up on my feet again even if he was supposed to be my fake boyfriend. He helped me through all these years and I'm thankful.

"Come in" I say before opening the door a little wider for him to enter. He looks at me threw the doorframe with a confused look. Looking deep into my eyes to predict how I was feeling, I gave him a smile so he wouldn't worry. Mirroring my smile he walks in.

Justin pulls me into a warm relaxing hug, burying his face in my neck and I could feel him smiling a bit. "are you, okay babe?"

"yea I'm fine, just needed to splash my face with water" I try to hide the real reason. Instead of saying anything else he just pulls me in closer.

* * *

So for the rest of the day, we just hung out at the hotel and watched lots of movies. Ranging from comedy, romance, mystery and thrillers, and just ordering some room service for food instead of going out. We decided to just chill a little bit since I just had a show and minimum amount of sleep plus our flight was in 3 hours so I wasn't worried about being late. And everything was already packed since we didn't take anything out so I wasn't fussing over stuff like my mom does when travelling.

I rest my head on Justin's shoulder while we watched Interstellar on the TV with my netflix, we laid comfortably on the bed. My eyes slowly started to get heavy since I just used the amount of energy I had from the few hours of sleep from last night in my little crying session in the bathroom, but I tried to keep them open. I don't wanna sleep right now because then I won't be able to sleep in the plane and I won't have anything else to do to pass time eventhough the flight would only be a couple of hours at most.

Seeing my eyes begin to fluttery close, Justin whispers softly, "I think you should take a nap babe. I'll wake you up in about an hour." I was already half asleep so I gave him a small nod and snuggled even more at his side getting as comfortable as I could. The last words I heard before falling into a relaxing sleep were hushed but still audible.

"I love you so much beautiful. Don't stress your pretty little head"


Another chapter done!!! I hope you're enjoying it soooo far these chapters are just for some context and background information but soon we will be meeting the boys ;) 

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