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Following their introduction to Mondevarious, the gang formerly known as 'Mystery Inc.', along with the Equestria Girls, were escorted to the hotel, where they would stay during the duration of the case. Each was given an individual room, apart from Twilight and the others, who opted to share a room together. Presently, they were all getting situated in their room, Twilight making sure Flurry Heart lies comfortably on one of the pillows, when they were alerted by a knock at the door. Twilight approaches the door and opens it with one hand, where she sees Shaggy and Scooby standing on the other side.

"Like, hey Twi!" Shaggy greeted.

"Oh, hi Shaggy! Hello Scooby!" Twilight greeted, gesturing them inside. "Please, come on in."

Shaggy and Scooby happily obliged, walking into the room. Twilight peeks her head out, looking side to side, making sure no one else was coming. Once she shut the door, Twilight turns toward her friends.

"Alright girls, the coast is clear. I think it's safe to 'change' for a while."

The word 'change' made every pony sigh in relief. Or in this case, 'everybody'.

"Thank Celestia," Rainbow sighed. "I needed a break after walking like this."

"Me too," Applejack agreed. "I mean it ain't bad and all, but ah sure need a break."

The girls, apart from Flurry Heart, gather around in a circle as Shaggy and Scooby step back. Twilight closed her eyes and raised her hands, as they both glowed with a purple hue. The light slowly encased her with a magical aura, eventually spreading toward the other girls. Shaggy and Scooby shield their eyes as a blinding bright light shined through the room. When it eventually cleared, every pony was back to their four-legged, equine selves as Flurry clapped and cooed happily.

"Oh, it feels wonderful to be me again," Rarity said, admiring herself. "Although I must admit, I rather enjoyed those outfits."

"Me too!" Pinkie nodded, then thought. "Hmm... Though doesn't it feel weird that are clothes disappear when we assume these forms?"

"Don't start with that Pinkie," Rainbow said.

"What? What did I say?"

Every pony just shook their heads at Pinkie's behavior, while Fluttershy's cheeks blushed as she knew what Pinkie was saying. Once things were settled, Shaggy and Scooby propped themselves onto the bed while the girls sat around them. At this time, they were going over the plan for what's to come tonight.

"Like here's the plan, girls," Shaggy explained. "Velma is going down to the gathering at the ceremonial stage; Fred is heading down to hangout by the pool; and Daphne is going to investigate at the beach. You're all free to do whatever it is you'd like, but if you want to help anyway, you can join up with us."

"What are you two going to do?" Twilight asked.

"Like elementary my dear, Twilight," Shaggy answered, imitating Sherlock Holmes. "We stay as far away from any ghost sightings as possible and see about that 'all-you-can-eat' meal. When it comes to me and Scoob, only 'Ghost Free' vacation for us!"

"Reah, ghost ree!" Scooby cheers.

"Is the way to be!" Shaggy concludes, smiling.


Sudden knocks at the door made every pony jump and turn. Shaggy motioned the ponies to hide under one of the beds, which they dive in without hesitating. Shaggy slowly approaches the door and opens it slightly. There, all standing on the other side, were Fred, Daphne and Velma.

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