Spooky Island

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To say the plane ride couldn't get any more chaotic, that would be a gross understatement. Although the gang were finally able to calm Scooby, more problems would present themselves beyond their control. Flurry Heart started to get fussy, which of course meant issues for Twilight Sparkle. Flurry's magic would start going haywire and that's when weird things happen: Random people disappearing and re-appearing in random seats, electronic devices coming to life, etc. Thankfully, Twilight was able to catch all this stuff before anyone truly took notice while trying to calm Flurry.

Finally, after a long flight and much to Twilight's relief, they finally made it toward Spooky Island. Well 'technically', the plane had landed at the docks and all the passengers were escorted to a boat that would take them to the island. The old Mystery Inc. gang and the 'Equestria Girls' were all aboard as the boat sailed across the sea toward the resort. A short while into the ride, Rainbow Dash turned from her normal shade of cyan to a sickly green color, clutching her stomach and started feeling woozy.

"Ya'll alright there, sugar cube?" Applejack asked, concerned.

"Yeah I'm—I'm alright," Rainbow assured, between breaths. "I just—I just need to..."

Not even a moment later, Rainbow Dash rushed toward the side of the boat and leaned over. She starts emptying her stomach into the water in copious amounts. Applejack walked over and rubbed her friend's back, comforting her as best as she could.

Wish Rainbow Dash was this sensitive to Applejack when she was seasick that one time.

Would you 'please' just let that go?!

The rest of the girls weren't doing much better. As the ship rocked along the sea, they were barely able to keep their footing. Even Twilight stumbled a bit, trying to keep a tight hold of Flurry Heart, probably the only one having fun on this little ride.

"Whoa!" Pinkie cried, almost falling over.

"I can't keep my balance!" Fluttershy said, stumbling. "How do humans do this?"

"Honestly Fluttershy," Twilight began. "I have no idea!"

Eventually, the boat reached the island dock granting all the passengers a good look at the resort. Spooky Island was bigger than they imagined, with all sorts of rides and attractions. But unlike most theme park attractions, they were all made to look scary. Even the greeters welcoming their guests all dressed to look frightening. Fluttershy squeaked and hid behind her friends, as they slowly walked along the dock.

"Welcome to Spooky Island," A booming voice announced. "The frightfully popular spring break spot for college students."

The two groups turn their heads, looking for the source. They eventually discover what appears to be an animatronic, in the form of a large monster with a pointy nose and waving its long arms.

"Catch our Electrical Torture Parade, 'It's a Dead World After All', and the world famous Splatterhorn! Ho-oh-oh-oh-oh!!! SCOOBY-DOO?!"

Scooby Doo and the gang, including their new Equestrian friends (Though only Shaggy and Scooby knew who they were), all stopped dead in their tracks. All at once, the announcer immediately expressed his fanboy side.

"And the rest of Mystery Inc.! Oh, it's marvelous to see you! Oh, fanta—"

The animatronic was waving its arms excitedly, all the while hitting a few passing tourists.

"Oh! I'm so sorry," The announcer apologized. "Just a second, I just need... Oh!"

With a loud, audible, cartoonish pop, an odd-looking man pulled himself from the contraption.

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