Truth Revealed

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Immediately, the two teams went to work putting their plan into fruition. For the next few hours, they gathered all the necessary materials needed to pull off the biggest trap they've ever constructed. Everything needed came from various parts of the island: Fred, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy collected the disco skull from the pool while Velma, Daphne, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity collected a few climbing equipment from the rock-climbing wall.

Once they collected all the tools and equipment, they made their way back to the cave where the ritual is to be performed and immediately went to work. Shaggy and Velma used a pully to raise the disco skull high into the air. Daphne, Fred, and Rarity were suspended in the air with some rock-climbing equipment working around the vents leading to the outside. The rest of the girls helped position the disco skull into the deep crevice in the wall to keep in place until the time to use it.

Shaggy, along with Velma, used one of the pulleys to lower himself to the cave floor, while Fred lowered himself to Velma's level. Shaggy approaches the Equestria Girls, who had just finished their part of the job.

"You guys got it all ready? Shaggy asked.

"You bet!" Rainbow nods.

"Yep, that there disco skull's as packed as hay in a hay bale," Applejack added.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash do a fist-bump, as Shaggy nods and walks off toward the vat of protoplasm.

"Shaggy, are you guys certain this will work?" Twilight asked, unsure.

"Like totally!" He assured.

"Hey Fred!" Rainbow yelled. "Everything ready up there?"

"All good on this angle!" Fred answered.

Pinkie looks up toward the top of the cave, where Rarity and Daphne are still suspended along the vent.

"Wow, I can't believe how tiny you guys look up there," Pinkie rambled. "Do we look as tiny down here as you look up there? I bet we look like tiny bugs!"

"Pinkie darling, is now really the best time?" Rarity asked from above.

Pinkie just smiled, shrugging her shoulders. Twilight, still unsure of the plan, can only think about two important people in her life. The lives of Scooby Doo and Flurry Heart were at stake, not to mention the whole world. If this fails, there would not be a do-over for any of them.

"Can we go over the plan one more time?" Twilight asked. "I just want to be sure everything goes accordingly."

"Of course," Fred replied, showing off the pulley. "So, we use the pulleys to tip over the vat."

"Then Daphne and Rarity will open the air vents from the outside and release the disco skull," Velma continued.

Twilight nodded, as she heard the plan again, understanding the entirety of it all.

"Okay, then the light will reflect off the skull..." Twilight added.

"Those creatures will explode," Shaggy jumped in, excitedly. "We'll find Scoob and Flurry, and then we will have like saved the world!"

"You know, it feels somewhat different saving a world that isn't our own," Fluttershy whispered.

"I agree with Flutters," Rainbow nodded. "Don't get me wrong, I love helping people, but it feels weird when we're not saving our own world for a change."

Before more could be said, the sound of big heavy drums echoed throughout the entirety of the cave. Everyone looked worried because they knew what's coming.

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