Final Battle

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The entire group, especially the Equestria Girls, could not believe what just happened. Queen Chrysalis, one of Equestria's most dangerous enemies, stood not even ten feet away from the girls and their friends. How was that even possible? The last time she was seen, she and her two cohorts were encased in a stone prison and sealed away deep in the confines of the Canterlot Caves. Yet, here she was, standing directly before them laughing menacingly.

"How is this even possible?" Twilight spoke, in disbelief. "Last time we faced off, we trapped you, Cozy Glow and Tirek in stone!"

"You think it's easy to rid the world of me?" Chrysalis chuckled. "That 'you' could defeat the all-powerful Queen of the Changelings?"

"Well 'technically', you were an ex-Queen of the Changelings," Pinkie points out, rambling. "I mean after Starlight Glimmer defeated you and freed us from the cocoons, convinced all the 'Changelings' to share their love, turning into those pretty rainbow creatures, turning their back on you..."

"SILENCE!!!!" Chrysalis shouts, her voice echoing. "I will not have my moment interrupted by pitiful ponies... Especially 'YOU'!!!!"

The very look on Chrysalis' face made even Pinkie Pie squeak and ducked behind Fluttershy of all ponies. Fluttershy in turn was just as frightened and ducked behind Pinkie, as Rainbow and Applejack stood in front of them in a defensive stance.

"But we sealed you away in a place no pony should have been able to find it," Twilight points. "How did you even get released? 'Who' found out where you were?"

Chrysalis cracked an evil smile, stepping closer toward the ponies and the kids. Eventually, she stood eye-to-eye with the Princess of Friendship herself.

"I will 'never' tell you that part, My Little Princess. Fortunately, for me and my acquaintances, it seems you and your pitiful teacher did not hide us well enough. I remember it, very well..."


Equestria, One Month Ago...

Darkness... Damp... Beneatch the capital city of Canterlot, those were the only words to describe the depths of the endless caves. A network of caverns no pony would dare enter, as they were designed to act as a giant maze one could never escape from. The only ones who have ever made their way down these depths were none other than Princess Celestia and Princess Luna themselves.

Sitting in a shadowy corner of the cave, a large statue depicting a terrifying Changeling Queen, a frightened little foal, and a weakened centaur sat. Together, they were known through all of Equestria as either the 'Mean Three' or 'The Legion of Doom' and for a time they lived up to that name. Together, they joined forces in an attempt to conquer all of Equestria and almost succeeded before the power of friendship completely overwhelmed them. Ever since that battle, they sat in these caves forever imprisoned alive in stone to atone for their actions... Or so it was believed.

Through the dark recesses of this ancient cavern, a lone figure enters slowly. A black hood had completely covered this mysterious being, not a single shred of their physical being could be seen (Nor reveal any limbs sticking out). It stalks silently through the cave, seemingly gliding more than walking, until it paused before the front of the statue. Two glowing lights, possibly it's eyes, stare upon the figures encase in stone as a sinister smile reveals itself under its hood.

Suddenly, after a moment or two, the statue became engulfed in a magical aura as it lifted clear off the ground. Then, it shook violently as the stone began to crack all the way from top to bottom, piece-by-piece. Until at last, the statue finally explodes into a million pieces. Once the dust and rubble cleared away, no longer was there a statue... Instead, three very much alive villains stood in place.

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