Monster Attack

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The Equestria Girls and Mystery Inc. had finally made it back to the hotel, following a terrifying ordeal at the castle. The lobby was filled with college students, all of them talking over drinks and having a good time. The group didn't think much on it, as they were still trying to process what happened at the castle. The entirety of their time spent in that horrible place left them with more questions than answers, but thankfully they had a very important clue and a few suspect.s

Speaking of which, Mr. Mondevarious walked towards the group looking very please.

I mean he is the most obvious suspect when we think about it...

Don't you DARE spoil it for our readers.

"Ah Mystery Inc.," The owner greeted. "You all seem rather cheery; good news I hope?"

"Mr. Mononucleosis..." Fred began.

Mondevarious rolled his eyes at the fact that his name was mispronounced... Again.

"Yes?" He asks.

"We have hit a clue smorgasbord," Fred informed.

Velma presents the device to the park owner, who appears confused seeing such a thing.

"After the night we've had investigating the island, we have narrowed it down to three suspects," Twilight points out.

Both Pinkie and Shaggy hold up three fingers for emphasis, as Velma continues.

"N'Goo Tuana, he believes your theme park's been built on enchanted land," Velma said.

"The voodoo man, who shrewdly tricked me and Rarity into going to the castle," Daphne added, as Rarity nods.

"And you," Fred points toward Mondevarious.

"Me?" Mondevarious asked, shocked.

"Alright gang let's split up," Fred told them. "We'll meet back here in a half hour. I'll interview employees to see if they've noticed anything odd."

"I'm going to get to work on translating these inscriptions Daphne found," Velma added, observing the device.

"I have to go check on Flurry Heart and make sure she's okay," Twilight told Velma. "I'll join up with you later."

"Rarity and I will go research cults on the net," Daphne said.

"Ooh, this is quite exciting indeed!" Rarity grinned.

Velma and Daphne high-fived as they head off in their separate directions. Rarity followed behind Daphne, while Twilight heads upstairs to her room to fetch her niece. Meanwhile, Mondevarious turned to the rest of the group wide-eyed.

"I'm a suspect?" He asked.

"Don't take it personally," Fred assured. "It's mostly because you creep me out."

"Oh, I see," Mondervarious answered, relieved. "Fine."

Unfortunately, his relief is short-lived when Rainbow walks right up to him and got in his face.

"You're not out of the loop just yet," Rainbow said, threateningly. "I'm keeping a close eye on you and if I find out you're involved in all this, the only thing that'll be spooky on this island is your face when I'm done!"

Mondevarious looked as if he was about to faint, as he quickly nods his head and Rainbow finally backs off. Rainbow then walked off looking for Fred when she spots a waiter carrying a tray. Like most of the employees, he was dressed from head-to-toe completely concealing himself.

"Hey buddy, you got any cider around this place?"

"Uh... We have 'hard' cider," The man spoke, in a deep voice.

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