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Down the long tunnel, the team screamed as they plummeted into the depths beneath Spooky Island. After Scooby Doo and Flurry Heart fell into this very same cavern, they made the unanimous decision to jump in to save them. They slid for a good while before coming to a sudden end of the tunnel, dropping out and landing upon the sandy floor of a cave. Shaggy hit the ground first, while the girls landed alongside him in a pile. They coughed sand out of their mouths following the sudden impact, brushing off the remaining sand from their faces.

"Like, you girls okay?" Shaggy wheezed.

"We had better landings," Applejack groaned.

"Granted, the sliding was pretty cool," Rainbow added. "But falling on the ground... Not so much."

They all slowly sat up, trying to regain their bearings. But again, the only one who seemed in a good mood was a certain pink party pony... Or in this case, a pink party 'girl'.

"Whee! That was so much fun!" Pinkie exclaimed, excitedly. "Can we do it again?!"

"NO!" The girls said, in unison.

"Seriously, Pinkie?" Twilight grumbled.

Pinkie just shrugs as she got back to her feet, helping her friends up. Shaggy quickly scampered to his feet, looking around the cave.

"Scoob?" He called, quietly.

The rest of the girls, all up on their feet, looked around the cave too. There were two separate directions leading to Luna knows where and there weren't even any tracks to follow.

"Scooby Doo, where are you?" Shaggy called, louder.

"Shaggy, we really shouldn't be shouting," Twilight told him, quietly. "I want to find Flurry and Scooby as much as you do, but we can't help them if we're caught."

"Right, like sorry."

"What do we do now?" Applejack asked.

"You snuck up on me you jerk!" A voice called out. "Let me out!"

Rarity turned toward one of the caves where the voice came from and immediately recognized it.

"It's Daphne!" Rarity said. "Down this way, come on."

Rarity and the others slowly made their way down the passage. They stopped just upon a corner and quickly huddled against the wall. One by one, they peeked their heads from behind and saw a shocking sight. They saw a giant cavern with a giant pit off to the side, vents from the ceiling indicated that it led toward the mountains. There Daphne stood strapped to a contraption, overlooked by Zarkos and a pair of cultists. A device activates slowly reached toward their friend, like a freaky looking crane, controlled by the hulking Luchadore.

"That can't be good," Daphne said, frightened.

"Daphne!" Rarity cried, quietly.

Rarity was about to reach for her, but the other girls held her back reluctantly watching the device at work. As the crane got closer, they watched and listened as Daphne repeated 'No' before something terrifying happen. It appeared to pierce deep inside Daphne's chest, as it began to glow, and she screams as the device drags something from her body. After an uncomfortable moment, a glowing head that looked like Daphne's emerges as her body went limp. Shaggy skid backwards, scared out of his mind, while Fluttershy barely contained a whimper, holding onto her friends tightly as tears streamed down her eyes.

"Hey, put back my spirit thingy!" Daphne's spirit shouts. "That is so uncool and you're messing up my hair!"

As they looked on, Zarkos sinisterly carried Daphne's glowing orb drawing everyone's attention toward a large, strange-looking vat glowing as brightly as Daphne's 'spirit thingy'. Shaggy and the girls looked on as Daphne's spirit was hung over the giant vat.

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