Chapter 17: Restart

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I walked to class with Kim, second period, geometry. Its been about 2 weeks since I was sent home and there was still no sign of them. "Homework?" Kim extended her hand towards me and I handed her the sheet of paper she left behind for me during her first period, "Thanks."

She was looking at me, "What's wrong?" We were sitting in class, teacher was probably sleeping, not caring if we did our assignments or not, I sighed and looked at my paper, "Nothings wrong," she shrugged and began working again. A few moments later she finished and turned in her paper, she sat next to me,"What's wrong?" I put my head down on the desk and gave her my assignment, so she could turn it in and leave me alone, instead she put it on the desk behind me, "Tell me," she ordered. I looked up to her, "I don't like this world," I replied in a soft tone. She laughed lightly and sat back in her chair,"Don't we all? Look, you showed me the note they left with you, they did it for your own good, they probably miss you too." I shook my head,"They probably don't even remember me," Kim shrugged,"You never know what could happen." The bell rang, just on time for Kim to finish her sentence. I stood up, packed my stuff, turned in my assignment and headed to my third period.

Yay! Third period! The best period in the world! Mostly because everyone has their sarcastic ways of saying how much they 'love' this class. Principles of health science, probably the most hated class in this highschool, followed by ROTC or I don't know, Spanish maybe? This class was the most boring and strictest class in the school. We weren't allowed to talk and most of the time, the teacher just sat there at her desk talking to someone on the phone. In other words...she expected us to learn without her teachings. It doesn't work that way, she just doesn't know that yet. I sat at the back, alone, I knew a few girls and guys who sat nearby, and they usually talk to each other through some type of crypted code. I didn't really know their names but they usually sat near me. I grabbed a notebook out of my backpack and began writing whatever came to mind, this way the teacher won't give us work. After sometime I ram out od ideas or things to write...they were mostly Vocaloid song titles, The Lost ones Weeping and Two Faced Lovers between Bad End Night and a few others. I put the notebook away, there was only 8 minutes left of class. There was a knock on the door, who would come in so late in class, no one had gone to the rest room. I put my head down ignoring all types of sounds, the door opened and the classroom was silent, footsteps were heard and then the talking resumed. It must have been a hall monitor coming to check on what we were doing. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I didn't want to look up so I shook my head,"Ok, be nice," I heard a voice whisper,"Can I sit here?" It was the same voice, I looked up, I didn't see who it was but I nodded. Once the person sat down I looked at him. I have heard this voice before...somewhere, it was a guys voice. I looked at him, who do I know has dark brown hair, hazel eyes and...a curl? I rubbed my eyes,"Romano?" The guy looked at me,"Who's Romano? My name is Lovino Vargas, thank you," I smiled,"Why are you here anyways?" He sighed,"Everyone missed you, everyone came here, I was the only one that had classes with you so they told me to find you," he paused,"even if didn't know what you looked like they said I would know, and I mean, they were right on the part where they said you were beautiful." I didn't know what to say,"Uh, thanks." He cleared his throat and just after that the bell rang,"Well, we should get going," Lovino looked at me'"Where to?" I grabbed my things,"To the craziest period in the day," I paused just for dramatic effect,"Lunch."

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