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I was driving to Kain's crib when I got a phone call from Polo .

"Wassup ?" I said .

"Nothing . Where you headed too ?" Polo asked .

"Main crib . We finna talk ." I said .

"Ight well me and Brandon finna pull up ." Polo said and I shrugged .

"Ight , I'll see y'all ." I said hanging up before sitting my phone back in the cup holder . I was tempted to hear the information . I needed it and it was gonna get handled .

Pulling up outside Kain crib , I saw Polo and Brandon pull up . We got out before walking to the door . Knocking , we waited for Kain to open . I took the time out to take a look at my surroundings .

The door opened and we walked in .

"Damn y'all cane in deep Huh ." Kain said as he dapped us up .

"You know ." Brandon said as he directed us downstairs to this basement but it didn't look like one . It was like a office .

"So what you got for me ?" I said and Kain shook his head .

"Man how many people is you beefing with ? Everybody want war with yo ass ." Kain laughed and so did Polo .

"Well I'm with everything . I got many more people on my list to take out ." I said and Kain nodded .

"So have y'all found yo sisters killer ?" Kain asked and me and Brandon shook our heads .

"We think the nigga that killed Jayla killed Miko ." Brandon said and I nodded .

"Well Jake a local crackhead on my block and he got everything . If you need any Info on something or somebody he got it ." Kain said and i raised a brow .

"So you want me to go talk to a crackhead ?" I asked and he chuckled before shaking his head .

"Nah . Imma tell you what he told me ." He said and i nodded .

"What he tell you ?" Polo asked .

"Word on the street is a nigga named Mali going around taking out everybody . He tryna make his way to the top and you know to make it to the top , you gotta take everybody out ." Kain said .

I looked at Brandon with a look to see if Mali sounded familiar to him .

"Mali is a drug dealer . Jake told me that Mali been looking for you ." Kain said .

"I don't even know this Mali nigga ." I said and I looked at Polo as he was in deep thought .

"I think I know who he talking about ." Polo said .

"What's the nigga address ? I'll pull up on him tonight ." I said .

"Hell yeah . Run that address ." Brandon sat up with his hand out . Kain grabbed a sticky note and pen before writing down the address and handing it to the closes person to him . Polo .

"Man yo hand writing it ass ." Polo said and Kain flicked him off .

"Benji if you need anything I'm here for ya . Y'all too ." He said and i three him the deuces before leaving out . Walking to my truck and getting in , Brandon walked to my window .

"We finna end this nigga ." Brandon said dapping me up . I nodded before pulling off . As I was driving , my stomach growled . I decided to go to McDonald's .

Pulling up , I got out since the line was so fucking long and I wasn't finna wait . Walking inside , I stood behind this thick jawn . She most definitely had some hips on her . She had on all black . She looked over her shoulder before quickly turning back around .

She had very dark shades on . After a while of waiting in line , I finally ordered and got my food and left . Getting in my truck , I pulled off to go home . Checking over the time , it was going on 1 o'clock .

Pulling up outside my crib , I grabbed my bag of food and got out . Walking inside my house , I closed and locked the door behind me before walking in the living room . I ate my food and watched TV until I dozed off .

-11:36 PM-

I had just got out the shower now I was putting on my clothes . I had on a all black Nike jumpsuit with my black Timberlands . Putting on my black beanie , I grabbed my phone before walking out my room and jogging down the stairs .

I grabbed my keys and walked out the door to my truck . Getting inside , I called Brandon to see where he was at .

"Where you at ?" I asked .

"Just now leaving the crib to meet polo outside that nigga house ." Brandon said .

"Ight , I'm on my way ." I said .

"I'll beat you there ." He said and I chuckled .

"Yeah Ight . We'll see ." I said as I pulled off and hung up . I drove to this Nigga Mali crib with so much on my mind . I was finally finna get some answers .

Speeding on the highway , I took the exit before driving to his neighborhood . It wasn't many houses on the street . All the homes were broken down and more . Some houses were closed off and some were burnt down . This must be his hideaway .

Pulling up behind Polo , I saw Brandon pulling up behind me in my rear view mirror . I laughed lowly as he got out and I did as well .

"You lucky the police ain't pull you over ." He said and i shrugged as Polo walked over . "Y'all ready ?" Polo asked and I nodded grabbing my gun out the door of my truck . Walking to the doorstep , I just twisted the knob and it opened . I stopped in my tracks before looking at Polo and Brandon and they shrugged .

Checking our surroundings , I saw a black car a few houses down but it was probably nothing . Walking in with them behind , the house was a wreck . It was dead bodies everywhere and we looked around .

"Somebody hit this shit before us ?" Polo asked and me and Brandon smacked our lips .

"Duh nigga is you slow ?" I asked as we continued to walk around . Checking every room , I heard Brandon call me and Polo over .

"I hear something down there ." Brandon said and I walked down with them behind me . Going downstairs it led us to a basement . Staying back around the corner , we overheard the conversation .

"Why Mali ? You foul as fuck and now it's your time to die ." We heard .

"Come on . You ain't gotta do it this way ." Mali begged .

"SHUT UP . Don't tell me how we gon do it ." They said . We watched as the unknown person pulled their hoodie down .

"We might as well go since the job finna be done ." Polo stupid ass whispered .

"Man if you don't shut up ." Brandon chuckled .

"What I was just sayin ." Polo said and I shushed him as a gun shot went off sending a bullet straight through Mali's head . Who was this person . They turned around and when I saw who I saw , pure rage went through my body .

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