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I was doing Riley's hair as she talked to me about boys.

"I actually had a huge crush on Ray. He was cute." Riley said.

"So why didn't you talk to him?" I asked.

"Because Benji is crazy. He wouldnt dare let me talk to a boy. Pierre would be cool but Uncle Polo and Kairo would embarrass me." She rolled her eyes making me laugh.

"Your the youngest. Of course he's gonna be overprotective." I said.

"Speaking of Benji, have you heard from him or Brandon?" She asked and my face grew soft.

"No. I try not to think of nothing bad." I said and she nodded.

"I understand. I wonder when he's gonna put a ring on your finger. Obviously y'all can't get enough of each other." She said and I chuckled. She laughed looking at me like I'm supposed to have an answer.

"I don't know Ry. We never talked about marriage." I said and she frowned.

"It was easy for him to put a ring on Ivy finger." She mumbled but I still heard. I shook my head at her silliness.

"I wonder what happened to Ivy.." she said like she went into deep thought. I kept quiet, not saying anything.

"Well your all finished." I said and she got up.

"Thanks Miko." She said grabbing all the hair stuff and I turned around looking at Messiah watching his IPad.

Nova was with Kairo and I know she was being bad. Picking Messiah up, I walked down the hall into Kairo's room.

"Fuck." I heard Nova causing my eyes brows to raise.

"What you say?" I asked her and she stared at me like she had seen a ghost.

"Ion know where she got that from. I told her to say fruit." Kairo said with his hands up in surrender.

"Kairo don't be teaching her cuss words." I said grabbing her hand and walking downstairs since Aunt Tommie had brought food.

"Have you talked to Benji?" She asked.

"No. I been calling him but he's not answering his phone. I'm trying not to think anything of it." I said and she nodded but I seen the worry on her face.

"That damn Brandon and Benji." She said causing me to laugh. I fed the kids as we talked. As I was eating, I began to feel nauseous.

Running to the nearest bathroom, I lifted the toilet seat before throwing up all the food I had ate.


I sat in the truck watching Big Jacks men run in and out the trap. I took a pull from my blunt as Brandon loaded up.

After this, I was giving this shit up. I had all the money to take care of me and my family, so everything was gonna be good.

"You ready?" Polo asked and I nodded. I got out and the vans behind us opened revealing Roman and his men plus my guys.

We went to the front door while some went around back. As soon as I gave Roman the signal, gunshots were fired. Brandon kicked the door in and everybody scrambled.

Shooting niggas from left to right, I saw Big jack run into a room. I left Brandon by his self before making my way to the room.

Opening the door, I saw him with his hands up in the air.

"You did all of this just to end up here in this position." I said to him, shaking my head.

Polo walked in before speaking.

"Them shorty's that was bagging up shit is fine." He said and I smacked my lips causing him to get back in kill mode.

"Yeah nigga, wassup. Open up that safe." Polo said and I smacked my lips again.

"I want you to know this isn't over Benji! I helped you get to the top and you forgot about me!" He shouted at me.

"I never forget about nobody. Once you saw that me and Brandon was becoming bigger and better then you with yo shit, you got mad. That's called envy." I said.

A gunshot went off and Big Jack fell to the ground. I looked at Polo and he shrugged.

"He was weird looking. Nigga was starting to scare me." He said and I shook my head. We left out to see bodies laid on the ground. This was a bloody situation.

"Come on so we can go back to the lake house." I said as we got in the vans. We pulled off getting ready to drive 3 hours.

I guess you could say that was a quick kill. I didn't want it to take forever because I was ready to leave all this shit behind.

We wasn't leaving until everybody was with us though. We still had to get Nia, Milan, Tae, Princess and Miko's dad before we could leave.

Everybody was moving away because I didn't want the cops talking to nobody that was involved with me.

"I'm hungry as fuck." Polo said.

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