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I was sleeping with the kids until I felt a dip in the bed. Opening my eyes, I saw Benji getting comfortable.

"No Benji. Why you ain't been answering my calls? You been gone for 3 weeks." I said and he shushed me.

"Shhh, go to sleep." He smiled and I knew he was high, but he was on something else.

"Well at least tell me you handled everything." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah. Everything handled but you gotta get Princess in the morning."He said and i nodded, laying back down.

My eyes stared up at the ceiling. After all, we're about to get away from all this drama. No more killing people, no more risking our lives or our kids lives. That made me smile at the thought of a new life and I'm glad it's with him.


I slipped on my raccoon fur slides and walked out the room and into Kairo's since Nova and Messiah were in there

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I slipped on my raccoon fur slides and walked out the room and into Kairo's since Nova and Messiah were in there.

"Kairo stop yelling at her!" Riley yelled at him.

"Yeah nigga Pierre spoke as he played with Taylan.

"Kairo don't yell at my baby. I'll fuck you up." I playfully rolled my eyes before kissing Novas cheek and Messiah's little nose.

"Where you finna go?" Pierre asked.

"To pick up Princess." I said with a plain shrug. Walking out and closing the door behind me, I jogged down the stairs to see Polo arguing with Benji.

"I'm gone." I said and Benji instantly stopped arguing with Polo, putting his full attention on me.

"You gon leave without giving daddy a kiss?" He asked and i mugged him before laughing.

He wrapped his big arms around my waist, hugging me tightly before pecking my lips multiple times. I grabbed the keys to my Jeep and walked out.

I got inside, and pulled off, driving to Princess house.

-2:17 PM-

I had pulled up outside Princess house and something odd just went over me. Getting out, I walked to the doorstep. Knocking on the door, their wasn't an answer.

Knocking again, I sighed at no response. Twisting the knob on the door, it opened. Walking in, I stopped in my tracks as I seen glass shattered everywhere.

Everything was broken, the whole house looked like it had been ambushed.

"PRINCESS!" I shouted around the house only to hear my echo. Calling her name out again, I still got no response.

My heart rate began to speed up as I walked up the stairs. Looking in each room I found nothing until I got to the bathroom. Pushing the door open, it hit something hard.

Peaking my head in the crack of the door, my eyes grew wide at the sight.

"PRINCESS!" I screamed as I fitted myself through the door. Blood covered the marble floors. I held her in my arms, my eyes examined her body. Wondering where all the blood was coming from.

Checking her pulse, it wasn't one there. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I called for an ambulance.

"Come on Princess." I murmured as I looked around, feeling on her body. Where was she bleeding from?


I was sitting on the stairs, tears still falling down my cheeks as I watched them zip up the body bag that held Princess inside.

"MIKO!" I heard Benji as he spotted me and ran to my side. He sat down beside me, wrapping his arm around me as I cried into his shoulder.

"It's my fault. I could've helped her." I cried as he caressed my back.

"It's not yo fault." He said and i shook my head, not wanting to believe anything he said.

"Did they say how she died?" He asked.

"No. The whole time I had her in my arms, I tried figuring it out." I said as he wiped my tears.

"Come on. We gotta get back to the lake house." He said helping me up as the ambulance pulled off. The cops were inside the house and I knew being around these policemen was making Benji nervous.

He helped me inside his truck and he fled the scene. The whole ride, I thought of everything I could've did to help Princess when I noticed something wasn't right when I saw her at my job.

I did blame this on myself and I don't think I can never get over it.

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