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"Are you excited?" Nia asked

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"Are you excited?" Nia asked.

"Yes!" I smiled. Today, Benji invited me to take the kids out and i was happy.

"Why does he have to come again ?" Milan asked as Tae came in eating chips.

"Just to be protective. That's all." I shrugged as I grabbed my Christian Dior bag.

"Yeah okay." Tae smirked as he walked back out. I laughed at him as my phone dinged with a text message.

Benji: outside.

"Alright y'all. I'll see y'all later okay? When y'all leave, lock my fucking doors." I said.

"Girl have fun with baby daddy." Milan said and they cracked up. I walked outside with a bright smile on my face excited to see my babies . Getting in the back, I closed the door and Benji looked at me.

"Why are you sitting in the back?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said as I played with Siah's little nose and I kissed him before looking at Nova sleeping peacefully.

"Benji, you tried doing her edges again?" I asked and he chuckled lowly.

"Yes. Don't play, I'm actually getting better." He said and i nodded as he pulled off and I looked out the window.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"The zoo. Then the fairgrounds." He shrugged and I nodded. I fidgeted with my nails and looked up to see Benji staring at me through the rear view mirror but I didn't say anything.

The whole ride was quiet and it was becoming uncomfortable. We had finally pulled up to the Zoo and it was filled with many people.

I got Messiah and Benji got Nova. I closed the door to his truck and we walked to the entrance before Benji payed for the tickets. I offered to pay but he didn't want me too. We walked around as Benji showed Nova some animals and I showed Siah some. Me and Benji didn't even talk to each other. If he wasn't talking Nova or Messiah, he wasn't saying anything.

"I'm hungry." I mumbled as I looked around at the different concession stands. I was in deep thought and I looked over to see Benji staring at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked him and he chuckled before shaking his head. "Nah. What you gon eat?" He asked as I looked at the concession stand that was selling wings.

"I'll be back." I said as I walked away with Messiah to the concessions stand. Ordering food for all of us, I walked back over before handing him his and I sat the kids down on the table. I fed Messiah when Nova started crying for me.

"Awn pooh." I said as I poked my lip out.

"So you finna leave dada?" Benji asked and I smiled as she still reached for me.

"Here." I said handing Messiah over and taking Nova.

"So how has your club been?" I asked and he looked at me with those dark eyes. Just taking glances at Benji, he is so tempting.

"Shit been straight. Money been coming in." He shrugged and I nodded as I stuck a fry in my mouth. There wasn't much to talk about since he was still mad at me. His phone rung and he handed me Siah before he walked away before answering. My legs bounced as I fed them. After a while, he came back and sat back down.

I looked around and there was somebody in black staring at us and it made my skin crawl so I knew something was up with him.

"Benji you know him?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Who?" He asked and i described the unknown man. I didn't wanna point and give him a heads up that I seen him.

He looked at him and I gave the guy a side eye before he left.

"Come on." He said and I got up grabbing Siah.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he dragged my by my arm as we walked to his truck. We put the kids in and I sat in the back. He then got in and pulled off quickly.

"Who were they Benji?!" I asked and he ignored me.


"I don't know who they is but it's more then one of them." He said.

"Are you taking me home?" I asked.

"No. We going to my crib." He said and I sat quietly as they kids began to cry. I gave Siah his pacifier and I gave Nova one of her cups. We had pulled up outside his house and he got Siah out and I got Nova.

He unlocked the door and we walked in. He took me to the living room and I sat down with Siah and Nova.

"What you about to do?" I asked as I watched him pull his phone out.

"Im calling Brandon and Roman." He said walking away leaving me there. I was anxious and curious. I wanted to know who those guys where and what they wanted. Even though me and Benji want the best of friends anymore, I was still down for whatever he wanted to do.

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