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When they turned around and I saw who I saw , rage went through my body . I stormed towards before wrapping my hands around her neck . I was so angry with her that I could kill her where she stood and I wasn't gonna feel any remorse .

"Benji let me go !" She shouted at me as I pushed her up against the wall . Her feet began to lift off the ground when Brandon came and tried to pull me back .

"Don't fucking touch me !" I said as I watched as Miko started to turn purple .

"Man let her go ! You can't kill her !" Polo yelled as Miko gasped for air trying to pry my hands off .

"Why is that ?" I argued with him .

"Man that's yo baby momma ." Polo sighed .

"Somebody I thought was dead ." I said as Brandon roughly grabbed me making Miko drop to the floor rubbing her neck .

"Don't come near me or my kids ." I said to her with disgust in my voice as she looked at me with fear in her eyes .

I walked out of Mali's crib before getting inside my truck when Brandon came to my window .

"What the fuck was that ?" He asked .

"What you mean ? What you think it was ? She stupid as fuck ." I said as I pulled off . I was honestly pissed off to the max . I was mad at myself for putting my hands on her but at that moment , I didn't care .

I don't want her near me nor talking to me . I don't even want to hear an explanation . Pulling up to my house , I got out before walking in to hear Riley and Kairo arguing and Pierre was just laughing .

I closed the door and walked upstairs and once I made it to the top , Riley said something .

"You okay ?" She asked and I looked over my shoulder . I really didn't even know if I was okay . I just ignored her question and walked inside my room .


I walked inside my house before plopping down on the couch .

"Miko ?" I heard Nia . I didn't even answer because I was to busy crying . I know what I did was wrong as i understand why he was mad but he literally tried to kill me . I saw all the hate in his eyes .

"What's wrong Miko ?" Nia asked as she sat by me . She wrapped her arm around me as I cried onto her shoulder .

"I saw him ." I said .

"You saw who ? I thought you went to go handle Mali ." She said .

"I did but I guess Benji was coming to do the same thing I had went there to do ." I said and Nia stood up .

"What ? You saw Benji ?!" She asked .

"Yes and , and he put his hands on me ." I said as I wiped the non stop tears .

"Oh fuck no ! Come on !" Nia said as she grabbed her purse and Keys and slipped on her shoes .

"No Nia . It's okay ." I said .

"What ? That is not okay Miko ! He put his hands on you ! He should've let you explain !" Nia shouted at me .

"What's there to explain ?! Huh ? I was real selfish and left him with a 1 year old and a new born ! All of this is my fault and now I have to deal with the consequences ! I understand why he's mad at me ." I said as I paced the floor .

"That still doesn't give him the right to put his hands on you ! That's a bitch ass move ." Nia said as she sat her purse and keys down .

"Look Miko , it's not your fault that you were shot and almost died and faked your death . You did that for your safety and the safety of your family . If you would've made it out , Mali would definitely come looking for everyone you are close with ." Nia said as she rubbed my back .

"I know he hates me . He told me not to come near him or my kids ." I said . Couldn't nothing keep me from my kids and I'll be damned if I let him . My kids are my everything and yes , I should've never did what I did .

I know I'm gonna be beating myself up over it . Walking upstairs to my room , I just laid in bed and cried myself to sleep .


"Miko , get up ." I heard Nia .

"Why ? I don't have nothing to do ." I said .

"Yes you do . Your coming with me ." She said and I groaned before I felt her snatch the covers off me .

"You know how Tae and Milan is ." Nia said and I quickly hopped up .

I told Nia , Milan and Tae about my whole situation and they did not go through with it at first but I wasn't gonna stay away for long . After I handled Mali , I was gonna be going back home but I guess I can't .

I showered and put on some clothes and did my hair . I wanted to have a sit down with Benji and I knew I wasn't gonna be able to get ahold of him so I guess I'll have to stop by his house .

"Where are we going anyway ?" I asked .

"We're getting you out for the first time . You been in and out of these 7 months , you went out once and that was yesterday ." She said as I slipped on my slides .

I walked outside and got inside Nia's BMW . She pulled off and I went into deep thought about everything .

"I wanna talk to him ." I said fidgeting with my nails .

"Give him time to cool off Miko . Going by there after he did that to you isn't gonna do anything but make him more angrier ." She said and I looked at her before nodding . We pulled up to this seafood restaurant .

I love seafood . Getting out , Tae and Milan ran to me .

"Hey girl ." Milan hugged me .

"I missed you bitch ." Tae said .

"Tae , you seen me yesterday ." I chuckled lowly .

"Yeah I know ." He smiled as we walked in .

"We reserved a table ." He said and i nodded as I waited in line with them .

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