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I had just put the kids to sleep since Benji was still on the phone with Brandon and Roman. I sat on the couch as i waited for him to come back inside.

I didn't wanna go snooping so I stayed where I was. My thumb tapped as my leg shook. The door to his home office opened and he walked past me and into the kitchen. I heard loud clanking and more before he came back in and sat down beside me.

"You okay?" I asked and he sighed.

"This street shit for me but I'm starting to get tired of it. Niggas envy me from left to right. I might as well give myself up." He said looking into space.

"No Benji. Don't give up yourself just because niggas jealous of what they can't do but you can. Now if you wanna pass it on, do that. But giving yourself up is t the solution when you have things to live for." I said.

"I made a mistake when I did what I did. Don't give yourself up and leave Messiah and Nova." I said.

"The shit aggravating. Not one time have I had a happy day. I'm always at the warehouse." He said.

"Then give that shit up. Don't sit here and beat yourself down. Money will still be coming in, you just won't be making it like you usually do. I'm here with you." I said grabbing his hand. His head hung low and I know they were filled with thoughts.

I felt him squeeze my hand but he never looked at me.

"Thank you Miko. I'm sorry if I made you feel some type away by anything that I've said. You still by my side even when we not on the best of terms." He said and i smiled.

"You know I gotchu. Yeah you hurt my feelings about a lot of shit lately but I understand why so I really can't get mad but I'm here with you forever." I said and he kissed my hand.

He was about to say something but the sound of gunshots filled our ears.

"Get down!" He yelled as he pushed me down on the ground and he laid on top of me.

"Where's Brandon and Roman?" I screamed over the loud noises.

"They on they way." He said he got off me before grabbing my hand and taking me upstairs. I grabbed the kids as they cried loudly.

"Come on!" Benji yelled as he grabbed my hand again dragging me to a room. He punched in a code and a door opened. It was basically a gun room. It was filled with many guns. I sat down in a chair and I watched as he grabbed guns and sat them on the table. He checked the clips to all of them before bending down to me.

"I'll be back Ight? If somebody try and come in here, shoot them." He said handing me a pistol.

"I'll be back to get you." He said and i nodded my head quickly.

"Why can't I come with you?!" I asked.

"The kids. Stay here." He said and I looked down at them before hugging them tightly. He was about to walk out but he came back and planted kisses on Messiah and Nova's forehead.

He looked at me with those dark eyes before pushing his lips into mines. I felt my heart liquefy.

His phone ranged and he put it to his ear. He walked out before closing the door and I heard it automatically lock.


"Where y'all at?" I asked.

"Open the back door." I heard and I hung up. I cocked my gun back and seen somebody walking up the stairs. I shot a bullet right between his eyes before making my way to the back door.

I opened it and Polo, Brandon, and Roman walked in.

"Who is these niggas." Brandon asked.

"I don't know but make sure we have one still standing." I said and they nodded.

"Where the kids?" Brandon asked.

"They in my gun room. Miko with them." I said. We walked around around the house making sure nobody was inside. I walked in my office door before seeing somebody rushing through my shit like he was looking for something.

I heard more gunshots and that caused him to turn around and once he did, I sent a shot to his leg making him scream in pain and drop to the floor. I put my gun in my waistband and bent down to his level.

"Who you work for." I said and he didn't say anything and my patience was taking a toll on me.

"Who do you work for." I asked again, calmly like before. He still didn't say anything.

"Ight Imma count to 1." I said and his eyes went wide.

As soon as I opened my mouth to speak, he spoke.

"Ight Ight man. I work for Big Jack. We were sent here to kill you." He said and I raised a brow. I know he wasn't talking about the Big Jack I knew but then again, it had to be him. He was the only Big Jack I knew.

"Get up." I said grabbing him by his arm and he groaned. I walked out with him and I seen Brandon walking towards me.

"They gone." He said as his eyes trailed to the nigga I had.

"Have Polo and Roman take him to the warehouse." I said and he grabbed him before walking away. I jogged up the stairs and punched in the code to the door as it opened.

Miko smiled at me as Nova reached for me. I picked her up before kissing her forehead.

"Come on. I'm taking y'all to a hotel." I said and Miko frowned.

"Why?" She asked.

"Somebody from a long time ago has popped up and he's dangerous and I don't want you or my kids getting hurt." I said grabbing her arm.

We walked downstairs and got into my truck. Once the kids was buckled in, I pulled off.

"So can you tell me about this unknown person." She said and I looked at her. I knew if I didn't tell her, she was gonna keep asking.

"So you know how when you doing this drug shit, you gotta knock people down. Even if they helped you build up, you just gotta keep the right people by your side. I had to knock down people, even the one that put money in my pockets when I was a youngin." I said.

"So now he's out to get you." She said in and understanding tone.

"Not just me but the people that I love most also and that's you, my kids and my family."

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