5 Great Right

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A little me standing outside a trailer in an trailer park with a little boy with a grey crowned shaped beanie on with raven black hair standing next to little me and he looked around the same age as I was probable a little alder. I watched as me and him where playing and laughing and I actually looked happy and I haven't felt that, happy in a long while that I can't even remember the feeling or when I last felt it. I saw as both kids started crying and pointing in a direction. My eyes followed to where they were pointing and my eyes widen as I saw my dad running towards little me and bringing me down to the ground and strangling me I tried shouting and running to stop him but I couldn't move, I couldn't speak... I couldn't breathe. like someone was strangling me. I touched my neck but nothing there I think I'm dying all i felt was pain...    


I opened my eyes gasping for air struggling to breathe, tears already dripping all down my face. Lifting my head up slightly holding on my neck still trying to breathe, every breath becoming slightly less hard and painful until finally I could breathe again. I shifted on the cold, hard floor to rest my back against the wall sitting up straight. My knees curled up to my chest. My wrist handcuffed together and one of my ankles chained to a pole attached to a pole that's connecting to the wall. I can barely see anything all I see is the chains, pole a door and a window. The window giving small light from the moon peering through, and light glowing around the door dimly.

I could hear a ring noise in my head, not buzzing, faintly but loud enough to drive anyone crazy. I can't really explain the noise it's like this constant ring but not like a phone more like humming but not humming like an ongoing blare of noise that doesn't stop no matter hw much you try to block it out. It sound like a scream but not a voice kinda like when those speaker phones when the brake and your left with a high pitch blaring noise but mixed with with screams. Not fear screaming more like calling for someone trying to be let out of something in desperation and talking but muffled into humming by the other noises.

I was sat in a dark room shivering over how cold it is on the floor in the dark nothing to distract me from the noise turning me slowly insane and giving me a faint headache. I heard foot steps coming closer and louder from the other side of the door. I didn't know ether to be glade or in fear. Well I guess my luck got me this far it had to be fear. The door quickly but quietly opened seeing the one and only son of a bitch Malachi ooh goodie! He closed the door behind him and locked it. He strutted towards me with a whip in his hand he switched on a very faint light on the way over to me. Making in visibly his evil smirk spread all over his face. Which meant he had bad intentions coming my way. he crouched down in front of me and harshly grabs my face to look at him his smirk grew wider obviously sensing my fear. So he says " Don't be scared me and you are just going to have some fun tonight whore" I swallow the lump in my throat and whisper shakily "what do you mean?"

He whipped me for that one really hard on my side I yelped in pain. He grabbed my hair and yanked me up making me stand up. I was crying but he didn't care, no one did. He kissed me all over my mouth I sure as hell didn't kiss back I tried screaming but the where muffled  he clearly didn't like my screams cause he dug his nails as hard as he could into my side. I tried pushing him off but he grabbed my hands and held them to the wall above my head. He made his way to my neck with his mouth and was about to rip off my shirt when I kicked him in the balls. He fell to the ground with his hand on his dick I kicked him again but he got up after and yelled out as he walked to the door.

" Your going to regret that!" He stomped his way out the door and slammed it behind him. I ran to the door and smashed my face to the floor and fell over, I banged my fist against the floor in frustration and said to myself.

"STUPID CHAINS!" I could hear the door opening in front of me so I looked up and saw Malachi and two other man. They just starred at me on the floor so I said "What's up guys?"

"well I said your going to regret kicking me in the balls so where here for your punishment whore" Malachi said they walked up to me and two men lifted me up by my arms and that hurt cause they legit yanked be but I wasn't expecting them to be nice.

" Jeez you could of asked me to stand up instead of breaking my arms, thanks" I said Malachi just punched me really hard in the stomach. I fell back and hit my head against the wall the two other men held me down to the floor I tried to squirm out of their grip but they where to strong for me to move. Malachi sat over the top of me and started kissing my chest "STOP IT! GET OFF OF ME!!" I yelled still trying to move and squirm but no one  listened.

He ripped off my shirt and pulled down my pants aggressively and by now I know there is nothing I can do to stop him it's not like it hasn't happened to me before...


    Malachi raped her just don't really want to write it cause I'm lazy and I don't think I can write it


I woke up and was really sore especially in between my legs Malachi had raped my twice maybe more I don't know he hit me really hard the second time and I blacked out. I was still in the same room and it was day time now I think it must of been early morning when he came in but he's gone now. THANK GOD! I was naked and my inner thighs where extremely red and with quite a bit of blood dripping down my legs and it hurt like hell.

I tried moving closer to the wall cause I was in the middle of the room laying on the floor. I shuffled over closer to the corner in so much pain but rather be there and I can rest my head on the wall. I shuffled again and yelped out in pain breathing heavily I looked down at my leg and there was a huge cut from the top of my thigh to the middle of my thigh. there was a nail poking out of the floor that was still in my leg. I close my eyes shut tightly and exhale a huge gush of air and say aloud" 3... 2... 1" and lift my leg with all the strength I have left and and flung my self the rest of the way to the corner. My back leaning against the wall and my leg laid out in front of me and the other crunched up to my chest. I tried to stop the bleeding with my hands at least a little but it wasn't working all the blood was pouring out my leg my  vision started to blur and once again everything was left in a oh so familiar darkness... Great right?

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