3 Dragged Away

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Betty's P.O.V

I was walking on a road that I have never been before. I know I'm still in Riverdale but I think I may have crossed over to the southside which would not surprise my cause I have been walking around for about two hours now. I don't really care that I'm on the southside because I doubt my dad or mum would look for me here. It's really dark and there is only one street light at the end of the road the I'm walking on, one side of the road there are little stores that I have never seen before probably because I was never allowed in the southside part of town or my dad would kill me even my mum forbade me to go to the southside for some reason I don't know why but I don't argue. On the other side of the road is a small grass area with a metal park seat and behind it is a forest. I'm kinda tired and sore from walking and the extreme beating from earlier so I walk over to the metal seat and sit on it and put my legs up on the seat so I'm taking up the hole seat. I closed my eyes ready to sleep when I feel someone put there hand on my mouth from behind me they pull up with my bag still on my shoulder and they turn me around. When I turn around I see a middle age man around the same age as Hal. he had a black jacket and a dirty old grey shirt his hair was brown with lots of grey streaks at the top, his eyes where brown and full of darkness and he smelt like drugs and smokes. He grabbed both my shoulders and pushed me into an ally way and pushed my back up against a brick wall making my bag slip off my shoulder onto the floor. He put a knife up against my cheek and smiled ear to ear a smile of pure evil. He put the knife up to my neck and whispers in my ear and says "what's a pretty little northsider like you doing on the southside?" I didn't answer his question and looked away he squeezed his nails into my shoulder I scrunched up my face trying not to make a noise at the pain then he slammed me up against the brick wall again he put the knife up closer to my neck making a slight cut on my neck and feel a drip of blood go down my neck. " Answer the question bitch!" he spits at me I stay quiet and swiftly grad the knife he had to my neck and stab him in the stomach he halls to the floor and holds his side letting me off the wall I kneel down to him and yell "YOU CAN FUCK OFF NOW!" He stands up and stumbles out the ally way as he walks off I see on the back of his jacket the Ghoolie logo and mumble under my breathe "SHIT" I hear clapping behind me and see another man facing me leaning against the wall he has a flannel and a leather jacket on top with some black jeans, blackish brownish hair and brown eyes his arms were crossed and he had a small smirk on his face. He seemed oddly familiar like I know him but don't know who he is.

"Well your definitely a lot more stronger and alder then last time I saw you" He said and now even more confused and I think he can tell cause chuckles a little and says "You still make the same faces from when you where little" I'm still completely confused I just stand there and furrow my eyebrows.

" Who do you know me and why do you look familiar" I say he gets up and walks closer to me I step back a step and he stopped and said

"Do you remember me from when you where four Betty you where like a daughter to me and then you went away with Hal I'm FP do you remember" He said and a single tear spilt out his eye. I ran up to him and squeezed him in a tight hug at first he seemed shocked a tense but loosen up and hugged me back.

"I missed you so much" I say in a whisper but loud enough for him to hear.

" I missed you two" I hear someone cough behind me making me jump and turn around and I see Malachi the prince of the ghoolies and then FP says "Malachi what are you doing here"

"Well if you must know I'm here for blondie the knew boss wants her and she also stabbed one of my ghoolies so expect a puishment for that bitch" Malachi says and i laugh al little and they all look at me and I shut up still trying not to laugh. "Whats so funny blondie."

" Remember last time I totally beat your ass Malachi you little weakling" and as I say that twelve other ghoolies walk up behind him and his smirk widens and lift his eyebrows and gestures to his men " Ok now that is just not fair fuck you Malachi" i say and pull up my middle finger.

"FP I'm giving you a 10 second head start cause we're only here for the girl" Malachi says.

"No. NO there is no way I'm just going to leave her here especially with you" FP shouts.

"FP leave now RUN GET OUT OF HERE" I say as Malachi starts counting down from 10.


" Yes you can now go and let me take care of this" I say and push him towards his bike.

" Ok but I'm coming back to get you ok please try to stay safe" FP said and sped of on his bike I look back at the ghoohlies I grab my bat from my bag and say

" Come at me Malachi or are you assholes to scared" I say trying to act tough they all look at Malachi and he nodded and they all charged at me the first guy and tried to punch me in the face but I ducked and he missed I hit him in the shin with my bat kick his balls I turn around and hit a guy in head and knocked him out I went to swing the guy behind him but he grabbed it and swung me to the wall two people grabbed each one of my arms so I dropped to the ground and kicked the man on the left in the ancle and he fell I swung the guy on the right into someone and grabbed my knife out my pocket and stabbed the guy on the floor in the neck another guy put his arms around me and threw me behind his back but instead of falling to the ground I jump on his shoulders and snap his neck I jumped off him and grabbed one of the last guys arm and flip him on his back and elbow his arm and brake it someone punched me in the side of the head and I fell to the ground and before I can move I'm being held down by 4 ghoolies Malachi stands above me and says "well done boys" and punched me in the face blood falls out my mouth and I'm almost unconscious and the the last thing I remember before everything went black is being dragged away...

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