6 "But who is betty"

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We where back at the Whyte Wyrm. My dad closed it early today so it was just me and the main serpents ( Fangs, Sweat pea, Toni, Cheryl, Jellybean, Jughead and FP). FP was tearing on the verge of crying but I knew he wouldn't because he almost never cries in front of people. I was really confused cause my dad has never mentioned someone named betty and clearly she means a lot to him for him to almost cry. I can see the others are just as confused as me just don't want to say anything. But I guess we didn't have to my dad cut off the silence by saying.

FP: "So I suppose you want to know what's going on, Right?" We all nodded and he sighed not looking at us but at his feat.

FP: "Well" he gulped but continued his sentence " Well betty is like a daughter to me her mum asked me to take her tonight but when I got to her house she was gone so I went looking for her and when I found her she was defending herself from a man and trust me she's a good fighter. then the Ghoulies came and she tol,d me to leave that she could handle it and there were to many for the two of us so I went to get help and when I came back she was gone" He said with a single tear sliding down his face.

Jug: " But who is Betty? And why did her mum want you to take her?" Although he explained what happened I'm still seriously confused.

FP: " Remember those photos I used to show you of you when you were little of you and a girl" I nod still confused why is he talking about her now. " That's Betty you and her were inseparable you cried for days when I told you that you guys can't see each other any more and you wouldn't talk to me." My eyes went wide with rage and surprise WHY THE HELL DIDN'T HE TELL ME

Jug: "And you're only telling me now" I said raising my voice a little.

FP: "I couldn't tell you because you would of gone looking for her and it would of put you as well as her in danger" I'm so fucking confused what the fuck does he mean by danger? and by who or what? Like he kept me away from my best friend for so long and he expects me to be chill.

T: "Why did her mum want you to take?" I kinda forgot they are here with us cause I was either confused or angry.

FP: " her mum, Alice was scared for her because of her dad and concerned about what was happening to her and what she was doing to herself so she wanted me to bring her back here to hide from her father" he explained

C: "D-do you mean B-b-betty cooper?" Cheryl stuttered.

FP: " Yeah why?"

C: "THATS MY COUSIN OUT THERE!" she exclaimed wide eyed pacing up and down hands in the air clearly stressed

Jug: " lets go get her then!"

Jelly: " Yeah we're just gonna go storm the ghoulies den just the 7 of us and hope she's there? No first we need to find where she is and then we need a plan"

SP and F: " She's right"

Jelly: "yeah no shit I'm right"

Jug: " Well we can't just wait around we need a plan any ideas"

T: " We could go spy around the ghoulie den tomorrow so it's brighter and less full and once we find her we go at night and sneak her out. Everyone who agrees raise your hand" I liked the idea I'm just don't want her to be in there for that long but clearly I'm out voted cause everyone put their hand up besides me. They all turned their heads to face their attention to me I huffed but put my hand up anyway.

T: "So its decided we find her tomorrow and get her" We all nodded and went our separate ways.


Sorry really short one but everything that just happened was the night Betty was taken I just couldn't be bothered to right a longer one soz :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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