1"So What do you need me for"

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I was sitting at my desk doing homework when my door bardged open and it was Hal my farther and he looks angree and drunk. Hal: ELIZABETH GET YOUR ASS HERE KNOW!!! Betty: Yes farther. I said in a shaky voice. I knew exactelywhere this was going and trust me it wasn't gonna be pretty. He stood there clentching his fist when he swung and hit me oo the left side of my face, I fell to the floor and picked me up by the floor dragging me allong the floor he stopped at the door of my room locking it an grabbing a cloth out his pocket and putting something on it while I sat there slitly crying. He kneeled down on the floor next to my with an evil smirk on his face. Sitting silent for a second and a couple tears sliding down my face. He slapped me in the same spot on the face he punched me and punched my stomach twice before pinning me to the ground and holding the cloth up to my mouth. Hal: you know the drill no crying it shows weakness, no screaming and making noises and NO telling annyone about this it will only make it worse for you GOT IT. I just nodded. I was not able to do anything say anything cause the clothe he had the cloth to my mouth but soon my eyes slowly shutted down my eyes and all i could see is black. I was unconsious.

I woke up and felt pain over i was freezing naked on the floor. turned my head to face the door were Hal was standing putting on his shirt he turned around and looked at me with an evil eye Hal: Remember what i said tell annyone and your screwed, also put some clothes on you whore. and he walked out and closed the door behind him. I sat up and went to the bathroom, I crouched down and reached for my razor under the sink. I looked at my self in the reflection and started cutting my stomach. When I was finished i hoped in the shower and watched the blood go down the drain. This is just one of the bad things about cutting yourself, the stinging pain you got when the warm shower water hit the fresh cuts but i quese it helps. I got out the shower got dressed in some black sleeping shorts and a white long sleeve shirt. I reached under my pillow and grabbed my pen and diary and started to write.


Today theres not to much to right about at school i sat by my self again in class and at lunch I guess that's normal though. I scared Reggie off again witch is pretty funny but my sister Polly and her river vixens bugging me. there the only people I can't beat up or mess with because Pollys Hals favourite. If I so much as lay a finger on her my dad will beat me.So yeah that sucks. my mum was silent all day she didn't talk to me and she wasn't home after school so that's a bit weird but this is the cooper family so what do you expect. A little after we got home from school I was at my desk doing homework but was interrupted by Hal. and he was drunk again. He rapped me and told me I was a whore witch he probably wasn't wrong sometimes I wonder if anyone would care if I actually did. I don't think anyone would. Then after that I cut myself I don't care what anymore what my mother says I can't help it but it doesn't matter it's not like anyone cares. But I guess I should probably go to sleep now if someone saw I had a diary. Imagine that, bad girl whore has a diary DAMN that would ruin that reputation. Well I'm going to bed probably dreaming about my old, fake dad who was way better than my real dad I wish I could see him again but that's IMPOSSIBLE good night.
( End of Betty writing in her diary)
Alice's P.O.V
Betty and Polly where at school are at school and Hal went to the ghoolies bar. So I decided to go to the whyte Wyrm. I need to go there to see Fp to help me with Betty. I'm  worried about her. When I got to the Wyrm I walked through the doors and by everyones faces they where all shocked. Which is understandable. I looked around and saw Fp at the bar I went up to him and tapped his shoulder he turned around he was shocked to but also kinda angry.    
FP: Alice??? What are you doing here.
Alice: I need your help it's Betty.
FP: What's wrong what happened to Betty??
Alice: just come outside so I can talk to you in private.
I grabbed his arm on his rists and dragged his ass out the bar to the back parking lot.
FP: So what happened? What happened to Betty? Where's Betty?
Alice: Shes at school.
FP: So what do you need me for she's at school not like you would let me see her anyways.
Alice: Fp she needs you, you and her always had a better relationship than I ever could with her. It's serious and she won't open up to me. She's been cutting herself Fp.
FP: w-what WHY??
Alice: Hal, he hits her and calls her names like whore, fat, useless and more.
Alice: He does it to me to just no where near as bad. I need you to sneak her out of the house tomorrow night.ok. Don't be seen come at 8:30 through her bedroom window please.
FP: Y-yeah sure I'll do it.

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