Chapter 31: The Tiger (Vale)

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Yuno's POV


"Wind Eagle!" I said. He did not dodge my eagle, instead, he just catch it and threw it back to me but I avoided it.

He moves like a tiger, strong and fast. His ears looks like an elf and he wears a tiger head on the back of his head. He's skinny and his skin is filled with red marks.

"Wind Magic: Heavy Tornado!" He raised his hand and scratched the air, then a large fire appeared and attacked my tornado

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"Wind Magic: Heavy Tornado!" He raised his hand and scratched the air, then a large fire appeared and attacked my tornado.

Then he snapped his fingers, "Concussion Beams!" he said then a red laser appeared from his eyes and he cut the clouds using those beams.

I flew faster, "Wind Blades Shower!"

He put his hand below him and strongly punched the air, then all of my wind blades went back to the sky.

"Wind Magic: Bow and Arrow," I said then I fired a lot of arrows but he kept on dodging it. "Into Larger Arrow." My larger arrow is faster and stronger.

I started firing larger arrows, he did not dodge it, he kept on catching the arrows and throwing it back to me.

"Concussion Beams!" there he goes again.

"Wind Magic: Strongest Blow!" Then I flew behind him.

"Wind Punch," then my hand is covered with strong and fast winds. I punched his head and he was blown away, I quickly followed him and I was about to punch him again but he stopped me by grabbing my head then he smashed me on the ground and punched me harder, then he punched me faster and stronger like he was just punching a punching bag.

I vomited a lot of blood.


"Wind Magic: Strongest Blow," it hit him and he was blown away.

I stood up and I was about to fly when I saw him punched the air again and it hit me, so I was blown away too.

"Wind Magic: Multiple Eagles!" but the eagles were burned down.

Just die already!

"Wind Magic: Multiple Eagles! Wind Magic Multiple Eagles!"

"Wind Magic: Heavy Tornado! Wind Magic: Strongest Blow!"

"CONCUSSION BEAMS!" he shouted then all of my attacks were burned down by his laser.

"Into Larger Arrow," then I fired lots of arrows but he keeps on dodging it.

"Wind Magic: Strongest Blow," I said then he was about to punch it but I fired another arrow and another and another, then it hit him and was blown away.

I flew quickly to him, "Wind Punch!" then I punched him in the stomach, and I tried piercing his stomach with my fist but he held my hand and crushed it, "AAAAAAAHHH!!" I screamed in pain. Then he threw me on the ground and he punched my head so hard, my vision got blurry.

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