Chapter 59: Start of the Meeting

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Luttrell's POV

We are currently here inside my office and I told them everything what Yui told me and what my plan is.

"Aice, I heard you're Yui's brother. Since she's your sister, Langston also told me that you two are the only one who know what kind of enemy is Luc and Beleth," I said.

He nodded, "Yeah, and believe me, Luc can destroy this whole world in an instant whenever he wants."

"That's scary," Alyssa said.

"Hmm, so I guess he really is powerful," I said.

He smirked, "Yeah, but he's no match to Yui."

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"He's obviously scared of Yui," he said.

"Ehem," I said, trying to call their attention. They all looked at me, "We're having a meeting later 5:00 pm here in our palace, together with the other squads, so be ready."

"Why such in a hurry?" Yva asked.

"We must hurry before it's too late," I said.

"Ethan, tell the maids to clean the hall, there will be visitors arriving later. Also, tell them to put long tables and chairs. Then tell the chefs to prepare delicious foods," I said.

"Yes, captain!" he saluted then he went out.

"By the way, I haven't seen Yui. Where is she?" Alyssa asked.

"She's sleeping in my room," I said.

"I-in your room?" Yuno and Steve asked in chorus. There goes the lover-guys.

"Yeah, something's wrong?" I asked.

"Why is she sleeping there? She has her own room, tss," Yuno said.

"She fell asleep there while telling me what she saw," I said.

"Tss, that girl."

Then the door suddenly opened and someone came in.

"U-umm, hi? Sorry for oversleeping," Yui laughed awkwardly.

"Why are you awake already? It's just 8:07 am," I said.


"Yui, why did you sleep in the captain's room? You should've slept in my room instead," Steve said.

"Ahh, ha-ha, it's because I needed to tell him something," she said.

"Yeah, and we were just talking about it," Aice said.

"Oh, really? Then what will happen?" she asked.

"The three squads will come here later, we'll be having a meeting," I said.

She smiled, "Thank you, captain. I hope they'll help us."

"They must help us because their lives are also at stake," I said.

"I can't wait to meet them," she smiled.

And I can't wait to kill the king. I'll make him pay for killing the previous king, my father.


Yui's POV

4:00 pm

I really can't wait to meet the other squads, I wonder if I can make friends with them... or they'll hate me just like the others. Whatever, I have my squads so I don't need their hate.

"Aice, I've seen it," I said. I'm currently in his room and I'm sitting here beside his window, and he's just lying on his bed.

"That's good."

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