Chapter 48: Boney-Guy

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"It really is riddler!" I said.

"What?" he laughed. "Be your friend? HAHAHA!"

"Why? Do you have a problem with me?" she asked.

He stared at her for a minute, "Yes. You deserve to have no friends. Look at the dark energy that surrounds you."

Dark energy? But where? Why can't I see it? I can't feel it either!

"What about it? Do you think I'm a demon too?" she asked.

"Obviously, yes. So, stay away from me," he said then he walked away.

The little girl did not cry nor speak, she just grinned evilly and then she chased riddler with a knife.

"AAAAAHHHH!" riddler screamed because she stabbed him at the back.

"Diamond--" but she quickly slashed his body.

"Stop talking. No one wants to hear what you're going to say," she said. "I'll let you choose your own pain, unless you can stop me with your tiny brain," she smirked, then she quickly stabbed him several times.

I thought she'll let him choose? WHAT?!

He screamed in pain, but she looks like she doesn't hear anything, she just continued slashing and stabbing him. Riddler tried to escape and attack her but she's too fast, she caught him immediately. She looks like she's chopping a meat!

"Should I bite off your head... or should your guts be shredded?" she laughed as she continues to stab and slash him.

"There she is! Get her!" suddenly, there's a crowd came running which looks like they're chasing after her. Why?

I thought the little girl will run away but she didn't, she smiled widely and evilly and she took out a red katana from her skin.

Then it started raining very hard.

"Playing is so fun," she whispered then she jumped at the center of the crowd and started cutting, stabbing, and chopping them. While she's fighting with the crowd, I saw riddler slowly got up and he forced himself to escape.

So, that's how he survived.

"HAHAHAHAHA, more, more, more!" I heard her laugh. Her eyes are so blank yet her smile looks so dangerous.

I can't believe what I'm seeing right now. She looks like a demon who was freed from a cage. I can't believe I used to be like that. She's... a monster. I am a monster.

"MOREEEE!" she screamed then she slashed and cut off their necks easily, a lot of blood were scattered everywhere. It looks like it's raining blood.

"Spurt, splatter, scatter! HAHAHAHA!" she laughed and continued killing the elves, dwarfs, ghouls, and wolves.

Then she suddenly stopped laughing and moving, and she looked at the other creatures who are still alive.

She stared at them with a blank expression, I thought she's going to kill them too but no, she slowly turned away and left them dumbfounded.

Why? Why did she not kill them? Is it because she's tired already? Why did she let them survive?

"W-wait!" I yelled and I chased her but it feels like I'm running so slow and I can't chase her.

So I just sat down and looked at the dead creatures...

I smiled, "Now, I understand why they don't want me here."


The surroundings changed and I'm back here inside the mansion.

I looked at the big bright moon, "What a terrible memory."

I stood up and slowly walked towards the door, "It's time to go back now. I already saw what I wanted to see."

As I opened the door, I saw a beautiful garden filled with red and black roses.

"What happened? But earlier... all of these roses were dry. Why did it bloom? How?" I whispered.

Then I saw someone walking at the center of the garden, facing his back at me. He's wearing a long black cloak with a hood on his head.

"H-hey, did you do this?" I asked him but he did not respond, so I decided to walk towards him and called him, "Hey, I'm talking to you."

Then he stopped walking and slowly turned his direction to me. I looked at his face but I can't see it, his hood is blocking his face.

"C-can you remove your hood?" I asked, so he slowly put down his hood and... 0_0

My eyes widened when I saw his face.

"B-boney-guy?" I asked.

He looks like a walking bones, he doesn't have any flesh and skin but his eyes are glowing red, and he has very large horns... bone horns, he has an inversed cross symbol on his forehead, and his hands have pointed long nails. This is his real face?

He leaned his face to mine, I did not move because I can't! I'm stunned, I'm so scared

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He leaned his face to mine, I did not move because I can't! I'm stunned, I'm so scared. What is he going to do with me?

While he's leaning his face to mine, he slowly lift his right hand and raised his index finger and pointed it to my chest.

I gulped. Please don't hurt me.

"Me... you," he whispered. I felt my body suddenly shivered and trembled in fear the moment he spoke. His voice is so deep and so cold.

Then I felt his index finger slowly dug in my chest and slowly pierced it with his long sharp nail.

It hurts, it hurts so much but I still can't move nor speak nor scream. We're still staring at each other while he's continuing piercing my chest even deeper.

Then I felt something liquid came out from my mouth but still, I did not move, I just let it out.

I badly want to scream and cry because of the pain, but I can't. I feel like if I move a bit, I'm going to die.

Then he pulled back his finger and took it out, then he moved his face away.

I started catching my breath and I crouched on the ground, I can't scream. I opened my mouth largely but no words came out, but blood... black blood.

I held my chest tightly and rolled on the ground, it still hurts. It hurts so so much! Then I saw my hair turned white and my vision became blurry.

I reached out my hand to him, "H...el...p," I whispered but he did nothing. He just watched me suffer from the pain.

I looked at the moon and saw that the moon slowly turned red.

I forced my eyes to stay open but I can't, it's slowly closing. My vision became blurrier and the pain in my chest hurts even more.

I need to go back now. I think they're looking for me already... but how?

I can't see anything now, everything went black but I can still feel more black blood coming out from my mouth. What should I do?

Someone, please help me.


Picture/Art above not mine. Credits (Image): Pinterest

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