Putting the plan into action

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Around 3 am , Betty woke up panting and screaming. She had had one of her frequent nightmares , she always dreamt of the way her precious mother had been killed mercilessly. Betty rose up and switched on her bed side lamp , and stared at her reflection in the mirror . She was instantly lost in her memory warp .

5 years ago

" mommy , don't go " . That afternoon Betty had begged her mom to stay home and celebrate her birthday with her and her nanny Shila May. Mrs Willman had apologised so often and said she had work to do at the office .Prisca Willman worked as a defence attorney and her work was sometimes very demanding and dangerous , the last thing she wanted to do was hurt her daughter but she needed to keep working if she wanted to support her thirteen year old daughter while her selfish husband slept his ass off every day. Its not like he wasn't trying , noone would hire an ex conman , Prisca thought.

" I'm sorry baby , I know its your birthday but mommy has to go to the office and handle important calls from there . I will try to make it back early , enjoy your day and Shila will be here with you all afternoon till I'm back and daddy will join you too " , Prisca had told her daughter.

Betty had watched her mom drive off in her SUV while she struggled to keep back her tears . Her mom was always away at work and although her dad was jobless he was always out of the house looking for a job or so he said .

Later that night after eating lots of food and birthday cake as well as watching many soopie movies with the nanny , Betty decided to ask Shila if they could surprise visit her mother at the office , they always did it and so Shila agreed. Apon arrival at Prisca's office she heard male voices shouting and demanding and her own mother's voice trying to be calm and bold but with obvious fear behind it .

She pushed the door open and what met her eyes wasn't so pleasant . The three strongly built men who had surrounded her mother while she was tied up in her chair , with blood covering her white worksuit and a cloth clamped in her mouth suddenly turned towards her direction as soon as they heard the door creak open .

" Mommy what' s going on ? , who are these men and why are you blee....." before she could even finish a scary voice shouted " Grab the child " and she was immediately seized by a pair of strong arms. Betty kept on wriggling and shaking and when she was about to scream the cold hand was firmly placed on her mouth " If you dare try and make the tiniest sound l will blow apart your mother's head " the gang leader said. After that warning she was stuffed up in a corner while the men returned to harrasing her mom.

" Where are those diamonds your bastard of a husband stole from Mr Durpate ? , one of them asked Mrs Willman

There was an earsplitting noise afterward as the man slapped Prisca .

" Woman I'm sure you heard me , one last time , where are the diamonds? , you better speak or your daughter's head goes off "

Prisca was gagging as her neck was held with so much anger " I , I don't know anything , my husband never stole anything from you "

" Then you leave me no choice " without another word the man fired his AK47 riffle and blew apart Prisca's head splattering fragments of bone, blood and human meat everywhere .

Betty screamed and the three men ran off into the night.

Betty had stayed in the corner , tears splilling down her eyes , her heart in fear that the men would return and hurt her . She stayed like that for 3 full hours until help finally arrived . Her life had never been the same since then.

A text message bought Betty out of her mind warp and she opened her phone . The text read

" let's give that son of a bitch the lesson he deserves . I'm all in "

Betty smiled , it was finally time to put the plan in action .She had the last person who she need to agree to her plan to bring down Lucas Durparte and bring justice to her mother's troubled soul.

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