Doing a little bit of my homework

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" Because the law and I are after two different things , the law thinks they want justice but I'm after blood "

The words were still registering into Tom's head when he finally open his eyes wide

" You're crazy if you think I'm just going to give you information and let you walk out of here and into the path of danger , you are my only child and I am not risking another life "

Betty got really angry " Look dad , they killed a great mother , a humble wife , a good friend , a loving person , a caring daughter . She was all those to a lot of people , it hurt them so much and I am not just gonna sit around and expect the law to act , its been five years dad , five and they haven't done anything , I need that information along with Lucas's weakness points if l am going to take that bastard down"

Tom gave in " Okay Betilia you win , I will give you the key to all the information you need to know , but you can't do it all alone , you will need a crew and I have five perfect people in mind , you need to be wiped off the surface of the Earth first"

Betty raised her brows in confusion " Wiped off the surface of the Earth , how dad ? , tell me "

" You have to fake your own death , you have to be non existent , like the people who you are going to be teaming up with, you have to have no identity , you don't exist to people anymore , you live under fake identifications and you costume up , that is what you are getting yourself into . I will make you a part of the GHOUST BEINGS , they are the most skilled people out there who have the same motive as you getting revenge for their loved ones , do me proud my daughter , fix my faults for me , I have so much faith in you " Tom said.

" These people dad , the GHOUST BEINGS you called them , how do I find them , do they have names ? , she was already growing curious by the minute.

" You don't look for them , they come to you . Goodnight Betilia and good luck in your mission , bring that bastard down" and just like that Tom walked away.

The present

Today was the day that all the GHOUST BEINGS met to plan the way forward. Betty was nervous , they hadn't met all together before and this was the first time. Tonight the seven would leave Brazil and travel to Vegas to put their mission under way . It was time that the people who were hurt by Lucas Duparte gave him a taste of his own painful medicine.

The moment the tables turned , two years of preparation it was all coming together and Betty was prepared she was doing it for her mother , for Prisca's soul to rest in peace .

I'm sorry for the lil cliff hanger there , I hope the story is interesting you.

The GHOUST BEINGS Kill For JusticeWhere stories live. Discover now