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           some people hate it, some avoid disliking it. there's is no in between, but for lucy, rain was the perfect time to have fun. at the first sign of a downpour, the girl would start singing and grab the nearest street light, as in a certain film.

           sure, people thought she had just escaped from the fun house but who cared? she was in her lovely silly world.

           cold drops fell from the dark cloud sky, people on the street immediatly reacting to it, as if cats being thrown into the bath. umbrellas sprung to life, colouring the streets with dandy or dull circles. others ran off to the nearest shelter under the cover of the cafés, shops or even whistling for cabs to save them from the rain's wrath.

           lucy was about to cross the street the moment a drop met the tip of her nose. her fingers gathered her jacket, securing the fragile being inside of it. drawing it closer to her chest, the soft drizzle turned into isntant downpour.

           lucy mentally groaned, today was not the day for her jolly sing along with the weather-god zeus. her blonde hair became damp, her clothes drenched. she was, what people called, soaked to the bone.

            her vision was blurry, with tears splattered. she rushed to the crosswalk, not bothering on looking sideways. the only thing clouding her mind, save the life between her arms. her arms clutched the small body enveloped on her jacket.

          "watch out!"

           a sudden shout, alerted lucy of her surroundings, her body instantly frozen in the spot.
large lights beamed in front of her, nearly blinding her, combined with a blasting noise from the approaching vehicle.

             before she could process what was happening, another body made contact with hers, throwing both of them to the other side of the street.

           landing on the harsh sidewalk, her cheek scraping on the ground in the process. two arms were wrapped around her waist, a warm and stronger body laying beside her, clutching her smaller one. she glanced down to her crumpled jacket and sighed happily watching that everything was alright with the bearing she held close to her chest.

           suddenly, two arms met the sides of her face, a rough looking boy staring down at her. "are you mad?! what were you thinking!? trying to get yourself killed, uh!?"

           his thick eyebrows joined in a furious manner, mouth falling in a firm line, after barking those words. lucy's eyes widened in surprise along with her lips, but no word was uttered. the honk of a car was heard from the road, gaining the attention of the two teens.

           "these teenagers nowadays! this world is fucking doomed!" the driver yelled from the vehicle before driving off.

           "fuck you too, you swine!" the boy scrambled up from the floor, flipping the bird at the car. both watched it drive off till it disappeared from their sights, lucy still recovering from the shock state she was. the boy, on the other hand, was bubbling with anger. his clothes were soaked, his hair wet and messy like lucy's. she'd never seen him before or if she had, she didn't remember.

           lucy stood up on her own, dusting away her blue skirt, and pulled the jacket close to her chest again.

            "thank you." she smiled softly, watching the boy turn around to meet her. he eyes her up and down, a slight frown evident in his lips.

in the sky ~ john lennonWhere stories live. Discover now