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          lucy was no nurse, doctor or had any medical experience but she knew how to patch up small injuries.
she was the daydreaming, head in the clouds type of person therefore she was used to have bruises, scratches and burns. bumping into street lights, dropping the tea kettle on her feet and falling off trees was her routine.

           "ow!" john hissed.

          "stop whining. i'm barely touching you." lucy chuckled. "y'know for a rough looking lad you sure are a little flower, john lennon."

           john's eyes travelled to hers, which were too focused on the scratch on his forehead. "you really don't know who i am, do you?"

           lucy placed the washcloth down, on the table next to them, smiling proudly at her flawless work. she sat back on a chair, john's eyes boring into her figure.

           "no, i don't know who you are, and you don't know who i am either. if we've met before that means both of us have really bad memory." the girl shrugged, giving a quick glance at the new family member, devouring the cat food; lucy had previously prepared; on the corner of the kitchen.

           the teddy boy wanted to tell her, he was the troublemaker, the guy every father forbid their daughters to date. he even had a band called the beetles, who played at the cavern club, but no he bit his tongue.
           it was nice for a change to meet someone who hadn't had anyone filling them in about what he was up to, which was making trouble.

           "i wouldn't forget a face like yours, lucy." john confessed.

           "well, aren't you a charmer?" lucy shook her head, a goofy smile on her lips. "but i get what you mean, i rarely forget someone's face. i may be up in the sky but i'm not that oblivious."

           john smiled. she was different from the other girls. his pick-up lines would get the girls giggling or flipping him off, but lucy did neither. the boy did mean it though, she was beautiful to him.

           her golden hair brushed over her shoulders and her blue eyes were his favourite. he wondered why he had never seen her before.
lost in thought, the clink of the mugs lucy carried, filled with steamy black tea, woke him up.

           "cheers." john grabbed a mug from lucy's grasp. their fingers brushed together, his warm skin sending goosebumps up her arm. lucy shook that feeling away, and sat again in front of him, quietly sipping from the mug.

           silence danced in the air, but not the uncomfortable, awkward one but a pleasant and peaceful. the teens didn't mind being quiet together. lucy's eyes cruised over the boy's features, while drinking the sweet tea, when she, suddenly, snorted it out of her nose. she covered her mouth, but she couldn't contain the laughter, her eyes stung with tears as her nostrils were on fire.

           john spat out his beverage, watching the scene unfold in front of his eyes. the girl fanned her hands over her face, trying to hold the jolts of laughter inside her body. "what is it?" he asked, wiping away the joyful tears with the back of his hands.

           "yo- your ha- hair!" she managed to say between the spare time she had to breathe. john's; once elvis styled hair greased up to the skies; was facing every possible direction. the grease was barely visible therefore it made his hair more fluffed. the teddy boy, fished out from the coat's pocket a comb and started fixing his hair.

in the sky ~ john lennonWhere stories live. Discover now