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lucy's hair whipped back as her feet pedalled faster, giving more speed to the wheels of her bicycle. she was on her way to meet cynthia at the beauty salon, for a drastic hair change to which lucy hoped it was for the better.

cynthia was excited about it and all reasons of this excitement, pointed out to a boy, she had completely fallen over for, in calligraphy class. lucy didn't know who the lucky lad was, due to her friend's secrecy and persistence on dying her hair first before spilling.

with a kiss of fresh air, down the street, lucy rode. her feet fell off the pedals to enjoy the free moment of relaxation and freedom, her mind left to wander.
her eyes looked up briefly, to check on the blue suburban skies, as she rounded a corner. the birds chirped, that early saturday morning, lullabying the ears of whoever heard them.

she watched the cars pass by, the strangers living their lives with monotonous faces. on the other hand, the little children laughed and played together on the sidewalks, sometimes bothering the busy drivers when their ball jumped onto their beloved vehicles.

lucy smiled, her head in the clouds, watching the children sprout life to the street, utterly unaware of what walked towards her. with her legs in automatic mode, she turned her head to her front again, only for a figure to emerge dangerously close to her.

lucy's eyes widened, as she quickly grabbed the brakes of her bike and anchored her feet to the pavement.
as if a deer caught by the headlights, the boy in front of lucy just stared at her, his eyes wide, watching his life pass through them.

lucy didn't have time to keep her balance and before she knew what happened, her bicycle flew to her side, as her body leaped foward, landing on top of the boy.

"ouch." the girl groaned, her whole body aching with needles of pain.

placing her hands on each side of the stranger's head, slowly but reluctantly, lucy pulled herself up.
a boy about a couple of years younger than her, laid below her hovering body, eyes shut. long eyelashes and thick yet narrow eyebrows along with his sharp cheekbones were the beautiful highlights of his face. as if dead, the boy kept unmoving and worry crawled up lucy's body.

"no no no!" lucy shook the boy's shoulders, in attempt to wake him up.

the boy's eyes shot open, sending a wave of relief through lucy. his dark brown eyes searched her face, his eyebrows raised as an awkward smile stretched on lucy's lips.

"you got me there, eyebrows. i thought you had kicked the bucket." the girl chuckled.

"is this heaven? are you an angel?" the boy asked in awe.

lucy let out a jolt of laughter, throwing her head back in the process. the boy stood bug eyed at her, still wondering what had happened. people on the street walked by, muttering and shaking their heads at the duo. noticing this, lucy stood up quickly, fixing her skirt down. her father wouldn't be pleased to hear about his daughter sitting on a boy's lap in the middle of the street.

lucy extended her arm onward, and the boy took her hand, a shade of pink painting his features.

"you hit your head pretty hard but i ain't no angel, as you can see. you are still in dear old liddypool." lucy smiled, her hands travelling to his face. the boy stiffened like a wood board, as her soft skin touched his.

in the sky ~ john lennonWhere stories live. Discover now