"I Love Myself"

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Hello, how are you, my name is Andrea and I am a beautiful young woman of 15 years, I have a story to tell you, I hope you will pay a lot of attention to me and manage to connect your remotest feelings with mine; Bla bla bla (...)
I am very beautiful and very believed the truth, many people laugh at me and make fun of me because I am black or politely I am dark skinned but that is exactly what makes me look exceedingly beautiful and I am ready to teach you to see yourself same; it is all about feeling good and comfortable with yourself, maybe I will tell you how cowardly you would be if you were not able to fight against yourself, yes against yourself! because you are the only one guilty of looking bad and ugly, everything is in your mind and in what you feel, well I tell you how things are but if you only listen and read in addition to admiring me and you cannot live this way you will lose the fight against yourself and then there will be no more guilty than you. Since I was young I was very sociable and cool, I was always someone proud of myself and I have always been against harm, I know that I can be whoever I propose simply because of who I am and not because I am, but when they were young they had certain people to whom I admired criticized and mocked me behind my back, although not so much behind my back because I was able to realize it, only that I never had the courage to face them, even if I was going to argue with Someone being black was a mistake for which they had the right to demand things of me and make fun of me, all this until one day I got tired of being so little and realized that they are no more than I am I never collapsed, but in one way or another I made everyone understand who I was and what I was capable of; I have always been charismatic and I showed my friends how to conquer those silly white boys who think they are cool and also taught them how they died for me simply because I was unique. It is true that even in the world there are many damages and I cannot deny that I have had to work hard to achieve my dreams and Satisfy my own needs, but it is not difficult at all it is to feel passion and love for what you do. Now I am already a very authentic young woman but I have already fallen in love, he is nothing more and nothing less than a very beautiful boy who is a singer and makes cool videos for Instagram, but a few days ago something happened to me that did not stop me from spinning in the head, all because we were invited to an event in Miami with many composers of renowned works where I would try to present my literary autobiography, which exposed the rejections of the collars I have been exposed to and dismantled a sad part of today's society; All this sounded beautiful until, when presenting my work, everyone was silent, nobody spoke or said anything, only the critics gave me the lowest score for my work and, of course, my permission to launch it at the event was denied; This has destroyed me because I have no intention of being famous or recognized, I just want the world to see the real story of what has happened to me and I do not intend to remain calm observing how somewhat studied people and with the right to denigrate my work, destroy something to which I have dedicated a part of myself, a part of who I am and that is why I dedicated myself to looking for other companies where they could at least sponsor my work, but none that I have been has been brave enough to reflect in the literature reality, they lied, I launched my work at a fair, my work was somewhat rustic and not very beautiful, because I had to take care of all the decorations and arrangements, it was not perfect but it was reality (...) I have not been afraid of being humiliated, embarrassed, pressured, mistreated or discriminated against, all this has served me as a resource to create art and help others, you should do the same, look in your pains something to turn them into joys, a source of knowledge, or a teaching all in order to understand that each of us is unique and special because God does not make mistakes and he has created us as we are. Please be you.

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