A Turn of Events

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*Dan's POV*

We had finally gotten through the building which took us what felt like forever, which involved us practically massacring an army of robot guards. Everything was seemingly going well, I felt a wave of confidence flow over me as I ran through the various halls with my friends close behind me. I felt like things were actually starting to look up for me, maybe I could actually have a chance to work things out with Stampy, to explain everything to him. I made a promise I would always protect him and I intend to keep that promise no matter what, he completes me and I'm not going to let some raisin faced dick bag hurt him.

We were making our way up the stairs to Target's Penthouse and I couldn't help but feel this sense of accomplishment wash over me. When we got to the door we had Lee easily rip it off the wall.

As we got inside we all imminently began to search for any signs of either Target or Stampy.

"I know this a bad time but you have admit this is a real upgrade from Target's old place" Tourqedawg said as he looked around at the fancy large living room.

"I believe anything is a damn upgrade from that giant evil fortress covered in damn spikes and lava Tourqedawg" Trayaurus rolled his eyes as he cocked his gun.

"Hey guys..." Stacy called out looking through some closed curtains.

"What Stacy did you find something?" I looked over to see what she was looking at but couldn't really see anything due to the curtains.

"Uh I think so....I also think Target is trying to take things to a much more....uh romantic level" She said as she reached over pulling a large curtain chord pulling the curtains back revealing a balcony covered in roses and baring what appeared to be a romantic dinner for two.

"That son of a bitch!" I growled

"May I help you?" 

"Ah what the hell?!" I jumped turning around looking at what appeared to be a woman made of metal wearing a long dress with wheels at the bottom.

"I asked may I help you but I actually was referring to why are you here cause I don't remember Mr. Target letting you in" She spoke with no emotion as she looks back and forth at each of us.

"Uh we came to uh-"

"You came to take down Mr. Target's business empire and save your significant other?" She tilted her head to the side as her eyes seemed to scan us.


She started to wheel herself to a small device on the stairs that pulled her up them but stopped midway to turn and look at us.

"Are you coming?"

"wait what? what are you-" Sparklez looked at the metallic lady confusedly.

"I'm taking you to Mr. Target he's in his chambers,  what he is doing is wrong and I cannot stand by and let this continue on" She explained as she finished getting to the top of the stairs with us following her.

"Wow really? but aren't you programmed to be like forever loyal to him or something?" Patrick asked confused as he looked over her metallic exterior.

"I may be programmed to do as he said but I'm loyal to only one person and he isn't them..." She said as she continued down the hall.

"Who exactly is that?" Bash asked raising an eyebrow quizzically.

"That's the thing....I...I don't know...I always felt like I was missing a part of me....something I just couldn't replace" She lowered her head sadly as she walked.

"Well I hope you find them..." I smiled a little seeing her look up and for a second I swear I could see a flash of hope shimmer in her sapphire blue eyes.

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