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It was now daytime. I decided to walk meaninglessly, since there was really nothing I could to. I sat i in  a park and got to thinking. I have to start new, make a fresh life. I checked out a few hotels online and I decided I had enough money to stay tonight a hotel. When I got to thinking I decided Im gonna learn to live for the moment,because everything else is uncertain.

I actually quite enjoyed the day, I had some coffee from starbucks, visited a few museums and even went to a few.. actually a whole lot of One Direction merchandise shops.

Then it was late evening, the sun was going down so I decided it was time to find myself a decent hotel to go stay in. I searched one place and it was a 20 minute walk from where I was so, I started walking. By the time I waslked half was to the place it was quite dark and to get to the hotel you had to go through many dark alleys. I was really scared, honestly. Especially, after Chase beat me up.

I was 5 minutes away from my destination when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned back. No one. The footsteps were getting closer, I started to jog, the footsteps picked up pace. I turned back and I felt a tug on my bag. "No!" I screamed. The pulling got harder. I couldn't let go of that bag it had everything in it- my money, clothes!. I kept fighting until the masked figure snatched the bag and pulled out my wallet, throwing the purse to the ground. I did what came to my mind first, I threw a stone, but it only hit his leg and made hardly any difference. If anything, it only got him madder, he then pulled out a knife from his pocket. I tried running, he grabbed me by the hair and i tried fighting, I got cut on the shoulder. I winced. When suddenly,

"Hey! leave her alone!" said a voice

"Call 911" said another voice

"Grab him!" said one more

"Don't let him get away" said a very strongly accented voice

"Hey! Stop!" said a very husky voice

The strange thing was all these voices were weirdly familiar, like I knew who they belonged to.

The masked figure ran away.

The last thing I remember was being surrounded by 5 tall shadows.

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