The lake

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The next morning I wake up to the sweet smell of waffles! "Yay" I think

I wash up and go down

"Morning, Ianna!" they say

"Last night was fun..... I mean you and me" Naill winks

I burst out laughing and so does everyone else apart from Harry, he gives Niall a death stare ( He loves him FYI)

We eat our waffles. When I get up, Niall pulls in two boxes. "MY STUFF!" I scream, bending on the floor to see them. "How did you guys get this?" I ask "We called up that jackass and Zayn spoke to him so he kinda got scared and sent it"

"Aww, guys thank you! I love youuu"

And they give me a tight hug

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" asks Liam

"Let's go for a drive?" I suggest

Everyone approves. So we leave


We decided to drive to a lake. We reached the lake at about 2

The guys fell asleep on the grass. I just sat near the water..

"You're very strong"

I look back, startled. It was Louis

"Haha, you guys made me strong" I reply

"Better?" He asks, concerned

"Much, thanks.."

"I know my relationship is amazing and all, but Ianna don't be in a rush to find your Prince. He'll be there when he needs to. For all you know, he already is and you don't know it yet, Princess." For some reason he turns to Harry.And I'm lost again. Could Harry? I thought. And then no, he could never like someone like me.


The drive back was pretty quiet because the guys were tired and I was thinking about what Lou said.

I really wished Harry liked me, but it was not gonna happen so I told myself to snap out of it.All thw way home I thought of Harry. Me and Harry. Us. But once we reached home the thoughts kind of flew away..It was about 7 when we reached and the boys were hungry so I made them tacos. They were tired so they went to bed at about 11 but I wasn't that tired so I decided to go for a dip in the pool. I was alone. My thoughts were my only company but no Harry thoughts, Chase thoughts. The tears were back, I wrapped my towel around me and sat on the sun bed with my hands on my forehead.


It was Zayn. I looked up and said, "Mm-hmm?"

"It's okay to be hurt, love. You know that, right?"

"Yea.." I say, more like whisper.

"Just don't let it change you.."

"But I thought I was the ONE for him you know, Zayn?"

"Yea, I know.." he said, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Look at the stars, the brightest one" he said

"Yea... It's alone"

"No, it has 5 stars around it"

"Um.. Yea?" I said, confused.

"That's you and us. Us always there for you. Protecting you."

"Aww,Zayn.. that is so sweet"

He smiled and said, "remember this if anybody hurts you they're gonna get a few punches from your elder brother."


"Yea, me.You're like my baby sister and I love you, okay?" he smiled

By now I had tears in my eyes. "Aww, I love you too,Zayn"

"Let's go?" he asked

"Yea" and I got up. He gave me a hug and we walked into the house. I got into the house and fell asleep.

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