The night is deep. Shadows hides on the darkness, completely cloaking themselves. A group of men made their way on an abandoned building with the new drug order for the client. The said person wanted to meet them discreetly along with their leader. The demand is not something they can just ignore and so the head of the cartel decided to come. To their surprise, there was only one person waiting for them at the top. No bodyguards nor a gun man. From the big price the client was willing to pay, they thought he/she is a bigshot and so the cartel leader brought many of his men. Only to find out that only one person will meet them.
More precisely, a blonde woman in pony tail wearing a black leather jacket, fitted pants and cap. The leather has a big sketch of swan in gold strokes in her back. She's basically wearing an all black with black boots. Her mouth covered with a black mask and her hand tucked across her chest. She also has her headphone in both ears, unbothered even after seeing the group of men.
"Are you the client?" The man asked her directly. She didn't answer. But it's more like she chose not to. The next song started to play.
"I am asking you." He asked again in agitation. The woman only continued staring at him with a blank eyes. On man pulled out a gun and pointed on her.
"Answer us woman."
Finally the woman before them decided to make her move.
"Too many. I don't like much attention so let's get them down and you." She turned to the leader who has a confused look on his face. "Wait." And just like that, her eyes changed into purple ones. Things happened too fast for them to see the peculiar eyes.
The leader sensed the sudden change in the air. It feels like gravity doubled itself. The men struggled to stood up and was drag down on the cold concrete floor. Some managed to stay standing on their two feet but most passed out.
"So I have a question." Mina pulled out the headphones. The leader almost pissed his pants when he saw the glowing purple irises.
"W-what are you?!" He stumbled back in fear. His men who can withstand the pressure pulled out a gun and pointed it on her.
"Stand back or we-" The man didn't finish his words as Mina sent him flying with a swift of her hand. One man managed to recognize her.
"S-She's the Black Swan." He freaked out and crawl his way out of the place. Mina didn't let him as she pulled him with her tails back on his place. After hearing who the person is in front of them, everyone panicked and desperately ran to the door.
"Annoying." She intensified her killing intent and everyone except the leader falls to the ground unconscious.
Black Swan is her new code. Well it's not something she chose. It's what the people dubs her with her outfit. She's still Sharon with additional nickname to it. Maybe it became her signature for those people to recognize her. A walking grim reaper in earth, it's what they say. When she got back in field works months ago under Tzuyu's guidance. Everyone was surprised to see a very different assassin. She's a lot stronger and the demand for her service has spread around the continent. Maybe even way farther than that.

Last Dance |Book 2| Michaeng ✔️
FanfictionThe second book of Assassin's Romance. New enemies and new missions. This time, it'll be them who will hunt down the main culprit behind the cage. The crime still continues under the night. In search for a peaceful world, they must eliminate the roo...