Mina returned to her place first only to notice oddness of the place. It was silent. No employee or a maid has greeted her since she entered the building. Everything are so quiet. Only the clicking of her heels to the marble floor can be heard. Just as she opened the door, everything made sense to her when she entered the lounge. There's blood everywhere but no bodies. She felt rage surging inside and ran to find her family in worry.
Flaming eyes of furry purple as she reached the top floor where the royalties used to gather but when she's about to enter the room, a very sickening aura welcomes her. This familiar cold air are none other than from the former leader of lunams. Jessica sat at the end of the room with krystal's dead body on her arms. Mina immediately rushed to their side.
"Unnie..." she called. Jessica didn't say a word. She looked down to Krystal who's deep asleep looking dead. Her wounds no longer heals.
"This- who did this?" Mina trembled in anger.
"Top." Jessica answered grimly. Clenching her fist, Mina immediately called Jihyo. She almost break the phone in her hand.
"Wait" Jessica called. Her eyes in intense blue. "Kim Taeyeon come here immediately." She muttered. Mina didn't understand why she said that but suddenly the golden haired woman appeared in front of them.
"Yes you- what the..." Taeyeon frowned looking at the Lunam's territory in bloody mess and Krystal's body on the floor.
"Top is planning to open the gates today. You have to get Chaeyoung now."
"Chaeyoung is still in the dark dimension I can't call her there."
"Then do something. I need to get that man's head cut and pierced in a skewer." The former leader glared. Taeyeon understood how awful must the woman felt. She lost both her sisters now.
"I get it. Mina-ssi" Taeyeon called to the purpled eyed woman. Mina looked at her with much seriousness.
"You have to find the gate of hell, I'm getting Chaeyoung and Jess you can come I can preserve and heal at least Krystal's body in my place." And just like that, the three of them disappeared in front of her. Mina is still trembling in anger but she tried her best to stay calm. Top just annihilated their base, that traitor.
She called Jihyo and after the call, the phone just snapped in her hand. Breaking into pieces.
"No one mess with my tribe." She grunted.
Jihyo picked up Mina and get themselves back at the same mountain where they saw thousands of demons sleeping. The other girls could feel the heavy feeling around Mina. They are also notified on what happened at the Lunam's base.
"Nee you have to calm down first." Akira approached her.

Last Dance |Book 2| Michaeng ✔️
FanfictionThe second book of Assassin's Romance. New enemies and new missions. This time, it'll be them who will hunt down the main culprit behind the cage. The crime still continues under the night. In search for a peaceful world, they must eliminate the roo...