Chapter 15: Before you go

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The days passed by without them realizing and the week of vacation is finally on it's last day. They had fun together not caring what the world after will thow to them because they thought they'll face it together in complete. Since it is the last day, Chaeyoung made a plan to make it more special. She even seeks for everyone's help to surprise Mina. They managed to buy the things needed without the girl's knowledge. 

'The rest of us will stay and prepare. Momo unnie and Sana unnie will go with Mina to get her occupied.' Chaeyoung sent the message from the new group chat she created. The members replied with agreement. They're currently sprawled in the living room with their phones and chating even if they're just a meter away from each other.

Mina was the only one busy with the movie. Chaeyoung glanced to Momo with a known look. The older woman winked. 

"Hey didn't Krystal unnie texted us to bring a souvenir?" Momo suddenly blurted out. Mina turned to her cluelessly.

"Yeah and Yeri said she needs one too." Nayeon smiled. 

"I'll go buy for her. Minari let's go together." Sana turned to her with a twinkling eyes. Mina frowned.

"Why me?"

"She's your aunt and she'll be happy if it comes from you." Nayeon added. They're pretty good at coming up of a reason. Mina turned to her lover. Chaeyoung has that soft smile. She's never good at lying but she has to.

"You can go hun. Besides, it won't take that long." But Mina still has that suspicious look around her. Dahyun and Tzuyu signaled the two japanese to go. Momo stood up along with Sana to get Mina away from Chaeyoung's side.

"What about you?" 

"I'll stay here and wait for you. Come on I won't go anywhere." She giggled and Mina melted from the cute sight in front of her. 

"Okay." The assassin knew she can't say no to that.

"Hurry up Minari. It's already three" Momo pulled her up since she look like she's was not planning on leaving any sooner and just stare on chaeyoung.


"So the candles and series are done." Jeong crossed her arms as she look at the small candles laid on the sand. It wasn't a real candle just something that looked like it since the wind might blow off the fire. The series are wrapped beautifully on the set up.

" Flowers is done too." Nayeon proudly looked at her creation. 

"Dance floor done." Tzuyu and Chaeyoung high fived.

"The piano is already set and our tent is already fixed." Dahyun happily came to them. They decided to sleep in one tent to at least experience camping. The sky is clear and it's starting to get dark. Bonfire won't be missing  but that will be for later. 

"Who's going to play?" Jeong asked. They brought the old piano out. 

"I will." Dahyun offered. 

"Chaeyoung will have to sing first right?" Nayeon turned to the nervous cub. 

"Yeah." She bit her lower lips. 

Just then, Momo texted Tzuyu that they're on their way back.

"Get ready." She announced and everyone goes to their position. Jeongyeon took another glance on Chaeyoung. She could still remember what happened on the first night. She didn't ask anything but she knew there is something the younger girl is hiding from her. It wasn't clear for her  if the other two girls knows about it. 

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