The eight girls gathered on the round table with Tzuyu seated at the very front. The girl who used to stay silent months ago on meetings has changed. She became a good leader and with her great intellect, she can plan things better than any of them.
"I received an information from the north. They didn't exactly tell where but they gave us lead on who to approach." Tzuyu crossed her arms in deep thoughts. She's considering the idea if the informant can really be trusted or it could be a trap.
"We have been looking for months for a solid information but we got nothing. Can we really trust them?" Momo rested her chin her palm.
"Considering the possibilities, there is a chance that Night might already have noticed we are looking for them." Dahyun added.
"Still, there is also a chance that it might lead us to them." Nayeon intercept. They don't really have the option to ignore it. The desperation in looking for the enemy is getting piled up. Jihyo's frozen body won't hold for too long. Everyone shared a complicated look.
"What is the information all about?" Mina asked with her piercing eyes on Tzuyu.
"They said that if we want to look for them. We can go seek the leader of the ninth district." Tzuyu sighed knowing what kind of place that is.
"Ninth district? Isn't that where most criminals and wanted people hides? Even the police are afraid going there." Sana frowned.
"I know. That's why it irks me on why the person said to go there. He said that someone with a name Miss A owns the place." Tzuyu started tapping her arm. An indication that she's getting anxious. Ever since Jihyo died, the girl can't stay as the same calm woman before. With the big responsibility on her shoulder she just can't be at ease.
"Hmm wait I'll look for an information." Dahyun started typing on her pc that was connected on the big screen in front. She was typing some kind of codes and just within a minute, a whole page about the ninth district showed in the screen.
"So the place wasn't normal at all." Chaeyoung commented and gulped. It looked like a ghost town.
"Looks like it." Jeongyeon agreed with a nod.
"We can't just enter that easily. If this person was really related to the night then she's not a normal person." Momo turned to Tzuyu with a look saying something more.
"Yeah we need someone who's completely normal." Tzuyu turned to look on Jeong and then everyone followed suite.
"W-wait..." Jeong panicked.
"Don't worry Mina will watch over you. We'll come running if something bad happens." Dahyun reassured her. Jeong opened her mouth to protest but Mina beats her to it.
"I can protect you even with my eyes closed." Mina blurted coldly. Jeong blinked and turned to her lover for help. Nayeon sighed and tried to stood up for her.

Last Dance |Book 2| Michaeng ✔️
FanfictionThe second book of Assassin's Romance. New enemies and new missions. This time, it'll be them who will hunt down the main culprit behind the cage. The crime still continues under the night. In search for a peaceful world, they must eliminate the roo...