After introducing both sides their names, Mina sat at the center seat with a calm expression. The six girls followed suit as well as her family. Loki was the only one who stayed standing beside Krystal.
"So Tzuyu right? I am here on behalf of my younger sister Jessica. Mina said she will join us in return of something. Tell us what is it?" Top asked in a very manly manner. His voice sound so deep and charismatic. Mina nodded to Tzuyu to proceed. Clasping both her hands, Tzuyu looked at Top with a straight face.
"Can you revive someone?" She asked. Top was taken aback by the question. His brow raised slightly by the looks of it. Krystal still has her cold demeanor on.
"By revive you mean bringing back the dead?" He asked for confirmation. Tzuyu nodded as an answer. The rest of the girls seems to hold their breath.
"There is a way." Top smiled, a meaningful one.
"What is it?" Tzuyu immediately asked back.
"A Sol's first revival." He let out a sigh as if saying an obvious problem.
"Sol? you mean the Night?" It was Momo who asked him right away.
"Yes, you see every Sols has the chance to revive someone and that was only once. Taeyeon has already revived someone so she's out of the choices. There are only eight Sols in the world now. Some are not yet awakened." Top explained and everyone slowly understood how hard they are asking for.
"Reviving a dead is against nature. Only Sols who can use Nature as their power can do it. I doubt it'll be easy to revive your friend." Krystal added.
"Then how about we look for the unawaked Sols and awaken them?" Mina suggested. Top and Krystal shared a look with bitter expressions in their face.
"That is something only a Sol can know. It has been a secret on what way a Sol can awaken. They kept it a secret deep in their graves." Top pursed his lips after saying those words.
"So it was impossible?" Tzuyu asked with a emotion they can't quite understand as she still have that poker face.
"No it's not. But it'll be really hard to look for a Sol who hasn't yet revived anyone. Also, the idea of them agreeing is debatable." He answered.
"And what choice do we have?" She asked again. Momo felt the same scary Tzuyu she talked with days ago. Everyone seems to get the answer even if no one says a thing. The air around them is cold and dense.
"We fight, defeat them and then let them choose a bargain to live or not." It was Krystal who confirmed their thoughts.
"So we still need to fight huh." Mina commented.
"Looks like it." Nayeon agreed.
"Hmm you can still think about it within this week. Jessica has yet to release a final decision but if Mina will join she'll definitely do it." Top smiled at them to slightly release some tension.

Last Dance |Book 2| Michaeng ✔️
FanfictionThe second book of Assassin's Romance. New enemies and new missions. This time, it'll be them who will hunt down the main culprit behind the cage. The crime still continues under the night. In search for a peaceful world, they must eliminate the roo...