Chapter 29: Back In Time

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Author's Note: Let's just say that Alectrona is Chae and Luna is Mina. That way we can visualize better :)

Disclaimer, this story is purely from my brain that I stitched on who knows how. So you can't find this story on any greek books. But, the Gods and Goddesses I used really exists. They have the same title too only that the story and plot of the story is made up to be suited for this fictional book. 


The story started on the titan God of Sun Helios and the day his daughter was born, Alectrona the goddess of sun and sunrise. He was so happy that he held the sun high and mighty for three days. The other gods and goddesses witnessed the new emergence of new power. Along with the mortals and people of Rhodes, the prophets was given the message through Hermes that a new Goddess was born. So the people made her a temple. The believers of Helios praised her as much as her father. 

Selene the titan goddess of moon, Helios's sister was glad for her brother and personally blessed the child goddess who grew in rapid pace. The young goddess was so beautiful and radiant that the people are drawn to her light. The temple gradually gain devotees. She's kind and would bless her people good life and fortune through the day.

At that time, there are three prominent tribes in the island of Rhodes. The followers of Helios, Selene and Perses the titan God of destruction. Perses is the father of Hecate the goddess of magic, witchcraft and moon. The tribes was leaded by their sons and daughters who happened to be a half divine and mortal, demihumans. The remaining members of the tribes are the followers or blessed people.

Selene gave birth to a demi human, Luna. The father is a follower of Perses and the God of destruction has a long run hate towards the Goddess of moon and he felt betrayed by his close disciple. He ordered his daughter to curse the man with ugly features. But his daughter is a close friends to the other moon goddess. So instead of just cursing the man, she gave him abilities of a wild cunning fox. His eyes turned to red, hair silver as the moon and he grows white nine furry tails. The curse will flow through his last descendants. He accepted it as his punishment out of guilt. 

Luna having the blood of her father was affected of it. Selene was mad but Hecate has assured her that everything will be okay. It is to avoid any war breaking on any sides. Meanwhile, Helios just watched from his throne. The tension between two tribes has heated and so Selene decided to send her daughter to the God of Technology, Hephaestus to keep her safe. The blacksmith had grown fond of the child and treated it as his own. He even blessed her the abilities of him and taught her many techniques. Though the child is only a half God but she bears talent and specially for having a cursed blood from her father she excelled in strength even further more.

Years had passed and Luna grown into a fine and beautiful woman. With her blonde hair, eyes purple and face so breathtaking that even Aphrodite had acknowledged. The day has come that Selene will take her back to the island of Rhodes to lead the tribe. 

"You'll be fine there my daughter." The kind God patted her head. 

"But I'm afraid I won't be good enough father." She lowered her head. 

"I trained you myself. Are you saying the God of craftsmen is that incompetent?" He eyed her with a glare. Luna knowing the old man knows it's just a way to make her feel confident.

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