Chapter Three: Oblivious

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Chris, Sam, and I reach the other cable car station, walking through it and getting to the door to the outside only to realize that we're stuck in here.

Fortunately, Jess is right outside.

Chris and Sam bang on the door, making Jess jump. 

"Ahh! What the heck!?" she exclaims.

"JESS!" Chris greets obnoxiously. "HEY!"


I just wave. "Hi, Jess!"  

Jess looks at us through the window with an eyebrow raised. "Uh... are you guys having a really weird stroke?"

"We're stuck in this stupid thing," Chris explains.

"Can you please let us out?" Sam begs.

I bat my eyelashes. "Pretty please?"

Jess sighs and presses the button to let us in. Jess then walks away to give us space as Sam, Chris, and I come walking out of the station.

"Oh. My. Gosh," Chris says dramatically. "I thought we were goners. Another ten minutes in there and I would have chewed off my own leg."

Sam wrinkles her nose in disgust. "Aw, sick, Chris."

"Look, I got a lot of meat on my bones." Chris gestures to his calves and thighs. "This is all muscle down here."

Don't start checking out his legs. Don't start checking out his legs. 







Jess notices me checking out Chris's legs, but thankfully Sam doesn't.

"Yeah... Riiight. Uh-huh," Sam says. 

Jess just gives me a look as I quickly pretend to be zoned out and definitely not looking at Chris's legs.

While Jess is distracted by giving me a smirk, Chris takes this opportunity to take the letter out of Jess's hands. 

"Bwip!" Chris chuckles.

"Hey!" Jess objects.

"Well, well, well," Chris states, "what do we have here?"

"Chris!" Jess scolds.

I roll my eyes. "Chris, give it back."

Chris examines the envelope of the letter. "My goodness. Seems that someone has a lil' crush on our good friend and dear class president Michael Monroe."

"Chris," Sam tries.

"And... what kind of sizzling erotica might our Jessica be capable of imagining. I wonder?"

I sigh. Mike told me exactly what happened as soon as it happened, so when Jess pauses, unsure of how to deal with the situation, I speak up. "Mike and Emily broke up. Jess and Mike are together now."

"Whoa. Drama," Chris says.

Jess shakes her head after giving me an appreciative look. "Not really. Pretty clear cut, actually. Em's out, I'm in."

"Huh," Sam states.

Chris holds up the letter, taunting Jess.

Jess walks over to him and gets in his face threateningly before taking the letter out of his hands. Jess is backing away from Chris when she accidentally bumps into me, making me fall over.

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