Chapter Twelve: Too Late?

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Emily's POV

I had woken up in the mines, dangling from a rope. I hurt my leg but was still able to make my way through the mine, finding things still there from what seemed to be the 1950s as well as belongings of the twins... the most disturbing of which was... Beth's head.

There had been many weird noises and even blazes of fire when I had been down there, and when I tried to use the surface elevator to escape, I discovered that the flames were coming from a strange man's flamethrower. 

I thought he was there to hurt me, but he actually helped me, possibly even saving me from the strange creature I encountered shortly after the stranger gave me a bag of flares. It chased me for a long time, but I was able to escape with only a bite.

I booked it to the lodge, screaming all the way. Chris opened the door for me and Sam and Ashley helped me inside. 

Now that the door is closed and everyone is in the living room, it's time for me to explain what happened. 

"What are you talking about?" Chris asks me, trying to make sense of my previous babbling about a monster.

"I said, there is something out there!" I try.

"Like what?" Ashley questions.

"Ash, relax," Sam tells her. "It was Josh. It was all Josh. And maybe Y/N... We're not sure."

I shake my head. "No, no, no, no. Listen to me-"

"We got them tied up. They can't hurt you!"

"NO. It was AFTER ME. And it wasn't human..."

"Hold on..." Chris pleads. "Em, can you tell us exactly what happened?"

"I am trying to tell you. We were climbing up the tower and it fell. Right into the mines-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what mines?" Chris asks.

"There are these mine shafts all over, running under everything. When the tower fell we ended up down there."

"I don't understand," Ashley says. "The tower fell?"

"How did it fall?" Sam questions.

"I-I was walking down there, in the mines, and it was dark and I found this... pile and... there was Beth's head!"

"Wait, what!?" Chris exclaims.

"Beth's head. I found it."

"Oh my gosh!" Ashley tucks her legs into her chest.

"Are you serious?" Sam asks me.

"Yes, I'm serious!! I think they fell down there."

Chris shakes his head sadly. "Holy crap."

"But the worst part is I don't think Hannah died, like, from the fall, not right away."

"What?" Ashley questions. "What do you mean!?"

"I don't know... I feel like she was down there... like, starving to death... for weeks... when we were all up here looking for her... and we had no idea!"

Chris shakes his head again. "Oh my gosh... that's... horrible."

"Listen..." I plead. "In... in the tower there was a radio and I-I got through to someone-but that was right when the tower collapsed!"

Then Mike comes rushing in, putting a hand on Chris's shoulder. "We alright?" His gaze lands on me and he comes forward, giving me a hug. "Em! You made it!"

"Oh my gosh, Mike!" I exclaim, relieved to see him.

"Yeah, yeah, barely!" Chris tells Mike.

"What about Matt?" Mike asks.

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