Chapter Thirteen: The Lyin', The B*tch, and the False Hope

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Chris, Ashley, and I meet up with Mike, who was coming to check up on everything, and we all go down to what is called the 'safe room,' where we rejoin the others.

Surprisingly, Emily is back, but there's no Matt.

I would ask, but I'm still so shaken up.

"Oh my gosh! Guys! Thank goodness!" Emily greets.

"Y/N!" Sam exclaims, giving me a big hug. Once she releases me, she looks over at Chris, who has gone to sit down. "What took you so long, Chris? No Josh?"

I look down at the ground, tears threatening to spill over again.

"It's not so good up there right now," Chris explains. "And no... He was gone by the time I got there. Y/N was the only one there."

"Josh... He saved me. That thing took him when it should have taken me," I tell them, sniffling as I try my hardest to fight back tears.

Sam gives me an apologetic look before looking at Chris again. "Chris... where's the flamethrower guy?"

"Ah... yeah... He uh..."

"He didn't make it!?" Ashley questions, panicking.

"Oh NO!" Emily cries.

"What happened?" Sam asks.

"The thing... it... it tore him apart. Right in front of Y/N and me."

"Oh my gosh," Sam breathes.

Unable to take any more talk of death, I sink to the floor, bursting into tears and sobbing into my hands.

Josh saved me.

But now he's is gone.

Josh sacrificed himself for me.

He didn't deserve to die.

Josh was my cousin... and I loved him. No matter what he did. No matter if he got me in trouble with the others. No matter if he made Chris turn against me. No matter if he made Mike turn against me. No matter if he made them all turn against me.

Josh always believed in me.

He never doubted me.

He just needed help.

And I failed in providing that for him.

Hope is gone.

I was stupid to believe everything could work out.

I hear shocked whispers and Ashley begging Chris to rest and not get up just yet because it would put pressure on his hurt ankle too soon.

But all their voices blend together, swirling around in my mind as I sob for my fallen cousin.

Then I feel familiar hands on my back doing their signature rub.


I want to hit him.

I want to push him away.

I want to blame him for Josh.

I want to be mad at him for accusing me of crimes I didn't commit.

But I can't.

I just can't bring myself to hate him when my heart feels so empty.

My cousin, my best friend, and my confidante is gone.

And I'll never get him back.

So instead of pushing Mike away, I turn around and let him embrace me right there on the floor. I tightly grasp the shirt inside his jacket, crying into it.

Complications (Until Dawn Fanfiction: Chris X  Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now