Chapter Six: Accusations and Reputations

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I sit at a table with Ashley, Chris, and Josh after Chris has taken off the monk costume. 

Josh gets up to finish up on lighting candles for mood lighting.

"So it says here..." Chris begins, reading from the instructional book in front of him, "'to communicate with the spirit world you must free your mind of all preconceptions, drop all inhibitions, and generally give yourself over entirely to the will of others, sublimating your every desire to the whims of the Spirit-master,' which is me." 

Ashley and I share a look.

"It doesn't say that," Ashley says, rolling her eyes.

"And all present will remove their garments at my sole discretion," Chris continues, coyly glancing at me.

My cheeks flush.

"Chris, come on. This is serious," Josh tells him as he sits back down next to me.

"Oh, I'm deadly serious," Chris assures Josh in a weird British accent, making me laugh.

"Oh, shush it," Ashley begs. "Let's try this."

Josh nods. "Yes, please."

We all put our hands on the board.

Chris shrugs. "Okay then, let's see what happens." Chris looks at Ashley. "Ashley, since you're a recent convert, why don't you be our medium for today?"

Ashley nods and we all put one finger on the pointer.

"Ok... um..." Ashley says. "Anyone there? Will you reveal yourself to us? If you're there?"

The pointer starts to move.

Chris scoffs in disbelief. "Wait a minute..."

"Did you do that?" Josh asks Ashley.

She shakes her head. "I didn't do anything!"

The pointer starts to move again.

Chris laughs. "It's moving again!"

I bite my lip, uncomfortable with the situation. The fact that I'm sitting in between Josh and Chris and across from Ashley is the only thing keeping me going. Most of those closest to me are right here at this table. Everything is going to be alright, surely.

 "H..." Ashley reads as the pointer starts moving to letters.

"What's it spelling?" Josh demands.

"Hold on."

"How's this happening?"

"Are you moving it?" Chris asks Ashley.

"I swear, it's just moving."

I watch in horror as the pointer spells the word HELP.

"Holy crap," Josh breathes.

"'Help?'" Ashley questions.

"How are we supposed to help?" Chris asks.

"I don't know," Ashley tells him. "What does it mean?"

I shrug. "I think we need to know who it is if we're going to help them."

Ashley shakes her head. "I want to know how we can help. How can we 'help' you?"

The pointer starts to move again.

"It's moving again!" Chris says.

Ashley's eyes don't move from the pointer. "What's it spelling?"

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