Chapter 7

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Ichigo and Unmei had finally begun fighting but Ichigo hadn't hit her yet.

"come on carrot top, you can do better than that cant you?" Unmei asks with a smirk and then charges towards him and swings but he blocks it.

She knows that she cant use a lot of her power but she wasn't going to let Ichigo know that she wasn't using it all. 

"You're pretty strong even when you are only using one of your swords" Ichigo smirks 

"No need to flatter me prince carrot top" Unmei smirks and continues to attack him 

'she isn't a soul reaper but she carries two swords, who is she really, a ninja or something? she has got quite a bit of spiritual pressure' Ichigo thinks to himself 

"Come on dude, I know what your thinking, 'there's no way that she is  soul reaper right' think about it carrot top, stop acting like you have got it all figured out, and stop getting distracted in the middle of the battle," Unmei says and then raises her Zanpukto into the air "Blow through the gates of heaven, Fujin"

Ichigo stares in complete shock as the air around them turns into a rough wind and the zanpukto in Unmei's hand changes completely and turns into a larger sword that was now red and black

"This is one of my Zanpukto's, i have two, Raijin and Fujin, I am one of three soul reapers that wield duel Zanpukto" Unmei smirks

"Raijin, as in the god of thunder, lightning and storms and Fujin, the god of Wind?" Ichigo asks as his face pales

Unmei smirks "Exactly. Now are you gonna just stand there or are we going to continue this fight, as i recall, this was only meant to take 5 minutes and your time is almost up"

Ichigo doesn't say anything as he just states at Unmei 

"Zanpuktos Name?" Ichigo asks quietly and Unmei lets out a long sigh 

"Yes. each zanpukto has a name. And this is her name" Unmei smiles and looks down at her Zanpukto proudly "Blast, Fujin"

A large tornado formed in front of Unmei and Ichigos body was immediately pulled into it but Unmei was quick to stop it and let Ichigo back down and then she charge towards him and went to attack but he stopped her blade with his broken one 

"I commend you on not running away and blocking my zanpuktos attack with your broken Zanpukto, I truly believe that you have what it takes to become a soul reaper. I have no intention of fighting you and i have somewhere that i need to go, so you can finish this lesson of with my father while i go out and do something before we head to the soul society 

Unmei pulled the hat off her head and ran over to her dad and place it back on his head 

"Sorry dad, looks like your gonna have to finish of the lesson for the moment, ill come back and continue to train him tonight, but right now, I'm outta here" Unmei smiles and then disappears with the flash step

"Shes a strange person" Ichigo whispers to himself but looks up quickly as kisuke charges at him with his zanpukto 

"remember what Unmei told you, don't get distracted in battle"

Unmei hid her spiritual pressure as she sat in the corner of the room watching the battle between her father and Ichigo. She didn't want to continue fighting him and she was sure that it would be better if kisuke was the one that taught him anyway. She had taught many people over the years but she was worried about his visord ability, she didn't want to awaken it any faster then it already was so she was going to sit back and let kisuke continue on for the moment.

She watched as they continued to battle and just as it looked like the battle was about to be over Ichigo called ut the name o this zanpukto and finally knocked off kisukes hat. Unmei couldn't help but smirk and then smile as she saw Ichigos sleeping form in the middle of the room

"Youve got a long journey ahead of you kid, but I'm going to try and be there for you every step of the way" Unmei smiled and then finally disappeared out of the building and appeared on a random building in the middle of the city

She looked over at the sunset and smiled as memories began to fill her head, "I wish i was with you right now Shiro, and we could watch the sunset together just like we used too"

"Come on Shiro Chan, we're gonna miss it," Unmei laughs and tugs on the small boy's sleeve.

His white was silver and resembled snow, it blew softly in the wind as he was tugged through the barracks of squad 2 and towards a large open field that was covered in hundreds of different flowers all different colors 

Unmei quickly jumped around the field excitedly and Toshiro couldn't help but be mesmerized as he stared at her face.

The rays from the sunset were hitting her perfectly and he knew that he would never find anything or anyone more beautiful than the girl that he was standing next to right now 

"Come on Shiro chan, we have to make it to the top of the hill, it has the best view" Unmei laughs and they run through the flowers and up the hill

Once they made it to the hill they sat down and he instantly wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. Unmei lent over and place a kiss on his cheek and his cheeks went a deep shade of red and he looked down in embarrassment

"You're so beautiful," Unmei says as she smiles at Toshiro

"Aren't I the one who is meant to be saying that to you" Toshiro chuckles 

"well I just wanted to make sure that you knew that you were beautiful" Unmei replies and then stares at the sunset ahead of them

Toshiro picked up a light blue flower off the ground and gently grabbed Unmei chin before tilting it towards him so they were face to face. He then brushed a piece of hair behind her ear and put the flower in her hair in the strand that he had delicately pushed back 

it was now Unmeis turn to blush 

"I can't even describe how beautiful you are" Toshiro says and then softly places his lip on hers.

The kiss was full of complete passion and love. after a minute they pulled away and snuggled closer together as they watched the sunset 

"I love you Mei" Toshiro says quietly

"I love you too Shiro" Unmei replies and places her head comfortably on his shoulder and he placed his head ontop of hers 

"Please don't ever leave me" Toshiro whispers, so lightly that he wasn't sure that she heard 

"Ill always come back to you Toshiro Hitsugaya. Always" Unmei says as she closes her eyes, enjoying his presence and the soft warmth from the sun, dancing on her skin

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