Chapter 11

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Unmei opened her eyes and looked around her as a banging sound filled her ears

"urgent alert! argent alert. Intruders in the seireitei" the announcer called and Unmeis soft, fur covered ears began to twitch and she began to stretch out her back and front legs

"took them long enough" Unmei responds and then smiles to herself "One good thing about being in wolf form means that i don't have to brush my hair or get changed" 

"all squads get into position! repeat! Urgent alert! Urgent alert!" 

"but did they really have to come this early, i mean i was kinda enjoying my sleep for once" Unmei sighs and then jumps down off the building and begins to walk around m making sure that there was nobody near her that would see her 

 the drum had been going off for the last 5 minutes and the constant ringing in umeis mind was begging to drive her insane.

a large light above the Seireitei appeared and Unmei instantly knew that was them by the spiritual pressure that was coming out of it 

"what is that" renji asked in shock as he looked up at it in awe 

Unmei listened as the soul reapers around started to talk about how it wouldn't be able to get through the barrier, but she knew that someone with the amount of spiritual pressure that Ichigo possessed wouldn't have to much of n issue getting through the barrier. However, it wouldn't be a very nice landing for them 

"Its coming this way" A soul reaper yells out in fear but tries to be brave as everyone stares up at the light 

"Always finding a way to come in with style arent you lady Yorouchi," unmei says as she chuckles softly to herself 

"get out of here" another soul reaper yells 

the giant ball finally crashes into the barrier and nobody says anything. instead, they were all silent and still and waited to see what would happen next 

The ball finally made it through the barrier and the ryoka all floated in the air without moving and all of them were in complete shock.

did they make it through? why weren't they falling? are they dead? are they valve? what is happening?

the soul reapers watch to wait and see what happens and finally there is a giant explosion and the ryoka are sent off in 4 different directions and Unmei sighed as she couldn't tell who was who. their spiritual pressure was going everywhere after the explosion and it would take a while till she would nowhere each of them were and even if she did know who was who, she wasn't sure who she would go to 

She began to run towards the one that was closest to her but she knew that she would have to travel a lot slower than she had before because all of the soul reapers would be looking for them now 

After running for about 30 minutes Unmei found herself in the squad 3 barracks and looked around. 

People were running around everywhere and yelling could be heard from every direction.

"so now I'm all alone. but it might be better this way" Yorouchi says but jumps up in the air when she hears a voice behind her 

"geez, if you didn't want my company you could have just told me face to face," Unmei says and pouts in fake hurt 

"unmei?" Yoruichi says in shock

"don't sound so surprised. you really didn't think I could go a few days by myself" Unmei says and walks over to Yorouchi 

"We should stay together for a bit and then split up to see if we can find anything and then meet up again after Yoruouchi says and Unmei instantly nods her head, agreeing with the cat 

"Who knew a cat would want a dog to stick around," Unmei says sarcastically as the two of them begin to walk along the roof

"so when are we going to go help the others" Unmei asks 

"we arent. were going to lay low until we are needed" The cat replies 

"What, are you serious. they could get seriously injured" Unmei responds in disbelief 

"we must stay calm and wait" Yorouchi replies and Unmei doesn't reply but just nods her head, knowing better than to disagree with the older woman 

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