Storytime: My Crazy Dream

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I had this sci-fi dream, that was a cross of a dream and a nightmare.

So... I was this student in this defense force academy... I think the country (I forgot what it was called) was getting ready for war with another country...? Whatever. I somehow forgot everything lol.

So... I was this highschooler, and me and my classmates were in some kind of training class...

The coach brought us to this hiking trail, which was really dark and needed lamps every 6 meters or smthn. I even read some sign on the gate that said "do not enter, this is an off-limits area"

Then next the coach pointed at the site, "we will be climbing this trail, and it is very dangerous,"

So I thought, "then why in the world would you bring a bunch of highschoolers out here?"

Then the coach continued, "good thing you're all wearing your suits,"

Then I was like, "wait... What suits?-"

I looked at my arm and I saw armor on it. I looked around and saw everyone else wearing suits.

"Yes? You were saying?" The coach asked,

"Nothing..." I replied,

After that I found myself walking up the trail. It was raining all of a sudden... The trail had lots of stones that looked like tombstones, small hills, it was muddy, and tall grass in some places.

"This looks like a graveyard..." My cousin mumbled,

"Yeah..." I replied,

And then something appeared in front of my face...

A pair of white, muddy, dry blood-stained sneakers, and a lamp with blood, mold, and moss on it.

I squeaked in surprise,

"What's wrong?" My cousin asked,

I stood there, horrified, pointing at the items hanging on a line where a lamp hung.

My cousin stared at it with the same expression I had.

"L-let's get going..." She mumbled,

I nodded and followed after her.

A few minutes passed by... And we were passing by a parallel path, when I saw a human shaped figure limping on it.

I squinted my eyes and saw.

It was a zombie...

"Oh heck nah-" I silently screeched to myself...

Then next I heard a thud... And i quickly turned my head around...

A zombie had jumped out of the bushes...

Then more jumped out... From the grass... The trees... And from the parallel path...

One jumped in front of me and I quickly shot it at the head...

All of my classmates tried defending, but, they all started panicking!

And to top that off, our coach had disappeared too!

My cousin had run off, grabbing my hand as we ran around the trail, following our classmates.

The lamps behind us started going out... And we all ran as fast as we could to the exit of the trail.

We made it out... And zombies were literally swarming the city.

The emergency alarms were blaring, there was the president on some loudspeakers, announcing to quickly evacuate the country by the boats on the shores.

The defense department were accompanying the citizens who made it and the others were defending.

I was horrified... Our coach disappeared, half of our class had split up in panic, people were getting killed...

I even saw my family die...

It all felt so real...

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice my cousin pulling me by my hand and running to a boat...

As we were running to the boat... We literally kept running into zombies and we just had to take them down.

It was then we noticed we were on the boat, almost barely making it.

We thought it was over... But there were zombies on the boat.

The citizens were forced to jump off the boat on their will... I even saw some of our classmates jump off.

Me and my cousin hastily ran to the rails and prepared to jump off... But we saw zombies swimming onto the shore.

We panicked.

Our few classmates ran to us and led us to the emergency submarines on the bottom of the boat.

The president of our class was probably dead... Or zombified... They all looked at me, being the vice president, asking what we would do next.

We were basically a part of the government... So I said we could ask help from other countries.

Then my com on my wrist went off, I looked at it and saw live footage of our country... Getting decimated.

Then I saw the mastermind behind all if it...

We all saw who it was...

The president of the country we were getting ready for war with...

We weren't ready... We had lost the war...

I switched my com off... And I buried my face in my hands...

"What will we do...?" My classmate asked,

"I... Don't know..." I mumbled as I sank into my seat, crying, "I- I just don't know..."

All of our heads were down... We didn't expect this to happen...

And then I woke up... I was relieved it didn't happen.

I was shot back to reality. If that had never happened, I probably would have woken up at noon.

Well, I had another dream... But it is too embarrassing for me to say. But let's just say that I was framed for murder and the countryhumans helped me.

Well that is all for now,


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