Cole 2

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It's almost Christmas break, finals have been like hell. I got a A or a B on all my finals except math which I failed. I go to a prestigious Christian private school by the way... anyways let me tell you about my group of friends. We are the most unlikely people to come together but we did. My first friend is Rynn, she is very smart, she loves the bands I love, she loves fanfiction and basically we ship almost everything we see. We have drama class together and we are always crazy together, we've been friends since pre-k. My second friend is Tatiana but we call her Tati for short, Tati is very nice and hyper. There isn't a time when she isn't talking or making us laugh. I've been friends with her since 4th grade but we became better friends in 6th grade. My third friend is Alexander, he's one of my close guy friends and very funny. Sure he can't get a little out of hand but everyone has their flaws. He's actually really nice when you really know him. I've became friends with Alexander in 6th grade.
My fourth friend is Jane, she sometimes is the opposite of me. She is very girly, paints her nails bright colors, wears dresses. I called her a loser on the first day of school when she didn't show up. The second day she came and I was disgusted, she was super loud, never raised her hand and to topic all off... she was wearing hello kitty vans. I wore vans because I used them as skateboarding shoes, I could tell this girl didn't skateboard because she was gawky and could barely hold a freaking pencil. Anyways we actually found a common taste in music and are best friends.
My fifth friend is Chris, he is very tall and doesn't really talk that much to other people. He talks to us and is actually very funny. I've know Chris since 4th grade but became friends around 6th -7th grade. We had choir together so we were always late so we started talking and he was friends with Alex so friendship was born!
My sixth friend is Jay, he and Alexander have been friends since forever so we talked about Pokemon in 4th grade and he left our school in 6th but came back for 7th so that's when we became friends. He's rich and can't be a little snobby but in reality he means well. Then last but not least my friend Louis , I've known him since 2nd grade and we talked everyone once and a while. He sat with us at lunch but I officially became his friend in 8th grade. So now you know a little about my group of close friends, I have more friends but not best friends. Then there's this guy I like who is in a grade above me... he's super nice and we ran track together last year. He's really smart and cute, his name is Chase. He's in 9th grade and was in my drama class last year. Chase isn't like any of the other guys in my grade or the grade above me. He makes all A's and has gotten highest GPA for two years in a row. He's great at sports, he plays football, basketball, and baseball/track. Then he is really really nice, he offers to help you carry your bag upstairs even if his bag is really heavy. Chase is about 5'9 or 5'10, he's pale with dark mahogany red hair and is always smiling. We greet each other in the hallways but haven't really ever had a real conversation. So enough with guys, let's get down to my life! So today is Sunday and I am currently sick, how? I'm not sure, I'm a little upset that I couldn't ride my horse yesterday because I was so dizzy they didn't want me to fall off. So currently I'm sitting in my mom's recliner with my coca cola blanket listening to my cat eat his food. Pretty boring right? Yeah, it is... no one is awake either. I want to watch one if my favorite shows Criminal Minds but I'm sort of to lazy to turn the tv on. Anyways, it is Christmas break! So tomorrow I have an orthodontist appointment and I am getting my bottom braces on. I can't believe that this year has gone by so fast, it feels like two months ago I was staying up watching the ball drop on tv and seeing Miley Cyrus twerking... but wow it's almost 2015! This is all for now, I shall update later :D byeee

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