Cole 5

17 1 0

Okay, so you just met Chase right? Pretty interesting dude, well on Monday I got a envelope in my locker. So Story Time!

I had got to school a little early, very unusual since I was always late. I opened my bottom locker, and I can tell you right now... it is not the cleanest locker in the school. I noticed a envelope and I knew none of my friends birthdays were coming up, but maybe someone left me money! I doubt it though... I sat on the floor on my knee's and opened up the plain white envelope.

I read closely on this invitation...

Happy Valentines Day!

To: Cole

From: Chase

I put the invitation in my binder and grabbed my Biology book to head to first period. Chase was probably at band practice or just late.

I sat in my usual seat and waited out for the day to end. Slowly and painfully it did,


I saw Chase coming down the hallway, he was like a dude on a mission. He walked very fast and said hey to other people but didn't stop and talk. He usually had weight lifting training after school and since he was usually last out of the class room he usually was late.

"Hey Cole" Chase said passing by me and stopping by his locker.

"Hey Chase, happy valentines day."

He smiled at me, while shoving his books into his poor roller back pack.

"I need to get to Biology. I will see you later!"

"Good luck!" Chase said smiling.

"It's Biology, I got this covered!" I said rolling my eyes.

He smirked when I playfully rolled my eyes, "You know if you keep rolling your eyes they will get stuck like that." Chase said with a laugh.

"Ok mister genius, as if " I said while laughing.

We waved goodbye as we parted ways to go to class. He had pre AP English and I have Biology. I sat next to Chris and we chatted a bit before our teacher got class started.

~After the Bell rings~

I exit class and I see Rynn racing toward me with her fan girl look on her face. Soon as she reached me she pushed me into the girls bathroom.

"I saw you two talking!"

I laughed since Chase and I got off with a awkward start. We both stood there with little bursts of excitement every now and then. We heard the lunch bell ring so we left the bathroom to get to our lockers. 

Rynn stopped at her locker which was like 20 lockers down from mine. I walked briskly to mine and grabbed my horse lunch kit that I've had since fourth-grade. I did my usual routine of waiting for Rynn to get her books. We walked down to the lunch room and spotted our group.

"Hey, what took you guys so long?" asked Jane as I sat next to her.

"We were talking in the locker area and just took our time" I said as I glanced up at Rynn who shot me a cunning glance.

"Oh okay" said Jane who went back to talk with Louis, who actually is her boyfriend...again...

We were just all excited! 









We actually disapprove... but I guess if they are happy I can deal with it.

Anyways, back to Chase (the more important subject *wink*) hahaha... okay but really... I was excited that I got to talk to him. Like half of the ninth grade girls have a crush on him and they get to talk to him more than I do so it's a little hard.

Lunch went by as fast as it usually did and one more class till the day ended. It was a half day since the upcoming holiday. 

I grabbed my stuff and followed Rynn to upstairs, sitting through my last period of the day. After a dreading hour of pre-algebra, the bell rang. Since it was a Wednesday I didn't have P.E.

Rynn and I met up in the hallway and she said "Chase is still packing his books, you have his invitation?"

I nodded and we raced down the empty hallway to his locker. I set it in there neatly and closed the locker door. I grabbed my books and headed to the stairwell to leave, Chase was walking down the hallway and I waved goodbye. He waved back and smiled.

I turned going down the stairs and the only thing I heard was my foot steps going down the concrete.

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