Chapter 8

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        Ashley took him to the library and there she took him to an old book that looked like it had tried to be burned  and Ashley started to read some of the book,

        Back in the 1990s there was a prophecy made saying a child born of wolf and bat will be help save the world and they would need to find rubies to help a being that will help or destroy the world.

        Those words got into Corey's head and then Corey said, "So am i the person of the prophecy?" "Well you say you talk with a person who only you can see?" "Yeah it all started when I turned ten."  Ashley looked at him and said, "you know that that  thing i read was made by your great grandfather when he was only 13." Corey looked shocked and then went on to say, "Well you know i never knew my family my mom and dad died when i was 1 and can't remember there faces" Just the you see Ashley look out the window and see a familiar face and then Ashley said, "Well they got here quicker then i imagined." "Who are you talking about?" "Look" said Ashley. Corey looked out the window and saw Davida's face and Jeff's face but he didn't know who the taller person was then Corey ran out of the library down the two fights of stairs and out side into Davidas arms and then she said, "I missed you brother." "I missed you two." Corey then gave Jeff a pat on the back and then asked, "Why is a hunter with you?" "That's ex hunter to you. My name is Chris I'm Jeff's older brother." Corey then said, "Jeff you told me you had no family." "Sorry i just hated my family since my dad made every one in the family be a hunter and i just wanted to be away from all that." said Jeff and then Jeff went on to say that his dad is the leader of the hunters and then Chris told them that he escaped after finding out that the hunters were working with the government then he told the that he was spouse to get married to someone his dad wanted him to and then you see Ashley look at Chris and then said, "Well hope you don't betray us."  Corey looked at Chris and saw the look on his face and said, "Hes not lying to us i can seance the truth in his voice."  Ashley said, "Well Chris you can stay in this place and join the resistance." he nods and said, "I want to be on the side that is against my dad."  Corey said, "Why is the government using giant robots?" Chris was looking at the town and then was looking at the sky and then said, "They used them to destroy cities and the hunters where the ones who drive them."  Corey looks at him and then said, "So the hunters are murders?" "I think they are and the government wants the world to listen to what they want." Just then Corey asked if they spent some time in the city till they head out to the city of Chicago then Jeff said, "Why Chicago?" then Ashley said, "we i want to see this fortress they talk about?" "They are all rumors." Davida said then Ashley said, "Well there where people who went there and died. Before they died they sent a message to my grandfather talking about the ten story high wall an the people that walk around the wall." then Corey said that's where we are heading then Chris said, "WHAT ARE YOU MAD!! ITS SUICIDE!" "Well it wouldn't be the last time a year ago what we did was spouse to kill us but it didn't." then Ashley was looking at Corey and then you see that Ashley say, "Well i know i want to see the wall for myself." then Jeff says, "I will come with you." Davida looks at Jeff and said, "Well I will come with you." Corey said, "Thanks guys you are really are like my family." Corey starts to cry a little as Ashley hugs him and Kisses him in front of everyone else then you see that Jeff and Davida where watching then Jeff said, "Well looks who finally got together. i knew you two where perfect for each other." Then Davida said, "So you are this Ashley my brother kept talking about." Ashley started to blush and then said, "Well you look like......." she looks away and then Davida say, "Who do I look like." "Your dad" said Ashley " Your dad and my grandfather were friends i saw some pictures of them together they always talked about life and he told my grandfather about his kids and how they where sweet and funny." Corey looked at her and then said, "When where you going to tell me this."  "I wanted to tell you this but i was trying to forget cause you don't look like your dad till i see your sister."  Just then Jeff said, "Well you know that i have found something from one of the Hunters they had a Ruby that looked like the one you keep looking for before we saw some zombies attack them we heard them say. "Well looks like the world wont be saved by that punk kid. The zombie that looked like the one that saved us in Florida. He looked at where we where and noded and told the other zombies to leave." Corey was looking at the red Ruby and then said, "That makes 3 out of  5 Ruby's we need to help save the world" then Ashley said,  "Well you need something else but i will tell you more when you get  5 Ruby's" Corey looks at her but dosen't say anything but then he holds her hand and said, "I'm hungry lets go eat some dinner and show them where they can sleep."  They went to the Cafeteria and Jeff, Davida and Chris where shocked that the food there was something that was good and then you see Jeff say with some food in his mouth, "This food is so tasty." Davida hit him and said, "Don't talk with your mouth full." Corey laughed and then saw Chris look sad and then Corey said, "What are you sad about?"  

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