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"C'mon lanky, gimme a boost!" Kuroo laughed, practically throwing himself onto my back. I gritted my teeth as I took his weight, quickly holding him up.

"You idiot! If you weren't carrying the end of the streamers I would've dropped you without a second thought." I scowled at him in over my shoulder, fixing my glasses. "You know you could've just given me the streamers? I can reach where you're putting it just fine."

"Ah Tsukki so boring as usual, move your head you long-neck."

"Brachiosaurus." I grumbled as I corrected him, moving my head down so that he could lean over me to attach the streamers to the ones I'd put up. "Why didn't you use a step-stool?"

"Cause you were already here." Kuroo rolled his eyes, as if to say 'duh' and I only grimaced back at him.

"Hurry it up fatass." I frowned, not liking the way the minor curse slipped off my tongue. Sure, I could think all the swears and curses I wanted, I just never liked how they sounded out loud. Too rough and bad.
Anyway, while trying to ignore the feeling of Kuroo laying over my back, I glanced around the room. It was Bokuto's birthday and so we'd convinced Akaashi to pull him out of the apartment for as long as possible while we decorated. We'd gone to the shop and bought as many owl-related items we could find to hang up and decorate with.

It looked a mess, but Bokuto always liked things like that.

"Tsukki, left a bit." Kuroo whacked me in the back of the head, making me scowl and step slightly to the left.
"Nono, right a little bit."
Small step to the right.
"Left! And I mean a little bit!" My scowl only increased as I took the smallest step possible to the left. He seemed happy with that and managed to stick the streamer up. Now that the streamers wasn't at risk of ripping, I dropped my arms and snickered at him as he yelped. He didn't fall though, instead he wrapped his arms and legs around me, clinging to my back. So warm..

"Kuroo, get off." I frowned as I felt him lift my glasses off my face.

"Nah it's cool being up here." Kuroo hummed back. Everything was blurry now, so I had to hold onto the wall to make sure I wouldn't fall on anything.

"I can't see anything."

"I suppose you can't." Kuroo finally slipped off my back and onto the floor, but didn't hand me my glasses back.



My frown deepened. Kuroo was always provoking everyone he could, that much hadn't changed since high school.

"Kuroo give me my glasses back, I'm going to trip over." I tried reaching out for him, but I just kind of smacked him in the face. He grumbled and I think he must've taken my glasses off, because his shape moved closer to me to slip them back on my head.

"Fine, fine. You're no fun." Kuroo rolled his eyes, quite close to my face once I could finally see again. I blinked, momentarily stumped by how close we were to eachother.

"What- oh, uh- Bokuto's birthday." I shook my head to clear my thoughts as they started to wander a little and stepped back at the same time Kuroo did. "Check the food is ready." I pointed to the kitchen and Kuroo left with a thumbs-up. I then turned away, holding my hand to my cheek slightly. Warm.. I was blushing. Eh. How lame.

I quickly straightened my glasses and went to finish up the decorations, standing back to look at the very colourful room with a very small smile on my face. Yeah, Bokuto would like this.

"Food's doing good, we should probably leave it a little longer though." Kuroo hummed as he walked back in, standing next to me to marvel at our creation.
"Looks like every single gay person on the planet threw up in here." He snickered, making me roll my eyes at him. I found myself doing that a lot when I was with Kuroo.

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