Chapter 1

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(Leo's POV)

I couldn't believe my mom signed me up for another year at that school. everyone there was so perfect. no excitement, no rule breaking, no nothing. Except for one. I never really got her name though. I had met her at the end of the school year, although she was an angel, I couldn't really tell at first glance. As I was packing up my stuff, I came across a picture of me and my old friend Aries. She would do everything with me. And then the day came when we had to go our separate ways. She had to join the angels and I had to join the devils. I wonder if I'll ever be able to see her again. I finished packing up my stuff and headed down to get in my car. Right now angels and devils inhabited the earth so they could go to the school for supernatural beings. I started up my car, and after just a couple minutes I was at the school. I forgot just how big it was.  As I was walking through the front doors, I saw her. The girl I had met last year. She seems so much taller now though. I didn't know somebody could grow that much within a year. We made eye contact, but quickly looked away.

"Leo?!" I heard somebody yell. "is that you?!"

I looked to where the voice was coming from. It was Aries. We said hello to each other, but it just wasn't the same. It was almost awkward. We nodded at each other then walked away. Even though she was 2 years older than me, age didn't really matter here. 16-21 year olds all were in the same kind of classes. This was also only the second year this school has been open, so I was one of the first 100 or so students to be at the school. Now there were so many more people. I made my way quickly down the hall to the auditorium only to see the principle standing by the door with 11 other kids. I recognized one as Aries an the other from the school year before.

"Ah, Leo, we were hoping you would come sooner, the ceremony is about to start."

I was embarrassed. I hated looking like someone less than others. It made me feel so vulnerable. The principle led the 12 of us down the hall and to the back stage. He separated the 12 of us into groups, the side I'm  on to the left, and the side Aries is one to the right. The curtains slowly started to open revealing us and the principle.

"As you all know" the principle started speaking. "I made this school to bring angels and devils back together again.  We used to all get along, until the one day we went our different ways and drifted apart. I am going to be using these 12 students to be examples as to why devils and angels should be reunited."

I stood proudly. My mother had informed em about this earlier, so I knew what was going on.

"I will be introducing you to all of these students, and what they represent. "First, Is Aries, who represents temperance."

Aries stepped up next to the principle and then backed away.

"Next is Taurus, who represents gluttony."

Taurus stepped up and back.

"Then Gemini, who represents greed."

(You know what this part is, so i'm just not gonna say it anymore)

'Then Cancer, who represents Wrath.'

''Leo, who represents pride.''

I proudly stepped up to the stage then backed down again.

"Virgo, who represents chastity."

"Libra, who represents lust."

"Scorpio, who represents diligence"

So thats her name....

"Sagittarius, who represents envy."

"Capricorn, who represents Kindness."

"Aquarius, who represents forgiveness."

"And Finally, Pisces, who represents Humility."

Humility. What a shame, to never experience the spotlight. I'll make sure to teach him a lesson.

What did you think of the first chapter? In this story Ophiuchus will be Sloth and Andromeda will be Charity. And yes, the principal's name is just going to be principle. If they have to call him something, i'll just make him Mr.Zodiac. See you soon!

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