Chapter 3

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Thank you so much for 200 reads! It means a lot to me! Also, a big thanks to @sarcastic_ethan for giving me some ideas! Enjoy! (sorry if i didn't tag you right) Btw, apologies for all the grammar mistakes.

(Sagittarius' POV)

After that day, we had all gotten really close. But something seemed off. The angels were all looking at us strange, almost like they were planning something. One day I over heard Aries and Scorpio talking. I could only hear a little of what they were saying, but I did hear Aries say: "I'll show them angels aren't just preppy little goody two shoes." Her tone sounded sinister. I've never heard an angel talk like that. At the end of the day me and Cancer were sitting at a table together, talking about how different Aries had been acting lately. Then Aries herself came over. "So, I heard that Sagittarius here wants to pick a little fight, huh?" "HELL YES I DO!" At that time i couldn't control it. Things were so boring around here, I was itching for something exciting to happen. Me and Aries were getting ready to fight, while Cancer was chanting FIGHT! I guess she wanted something to happen too. I threw a fist at Aries, but she dodged it and tried to punch me. I quickly moved, throwing her to the ground, but she refused to give up, pulling me onto the ground with her. At this point, Nearly half the school was watching us. Cancer was still shouting, Aries had a look of determination on her face, and I was grinning the whole time. We were practically wrestling on the ground, occasionally throwing a punch or two. Suddenly, Aries hit me in the face, making my nose bleed. She had a smug look on her face. I don't really know what happened, but my vision started turning slightly red, and I felt my hands get hot. I ran over to Aries, who now surprisingly had a look of fear on her face. I punched her as Hard as I could. "I hope that teaches you that I, am not someone to mess with. Maybe you should try a little harder next time." I knew that there was a chance Aries could beat me in a fight. But I could also beat her. We were both warriors from where we came from, so it could be anyone. I've always known that I had powers, we all do. But I've never been able to use them before. Aries walked away. "See you next time, when I won't go easy on you." I was talking with Cancer a couple minutes after that, when the principle came out with Aries behind him, looking ashamed. He walked up to me and told the both of us that we had detention. (At this point I'm just making stuff up, cuz its the end of the school day, so im not really sure how they can get detention, but um ok)

Time skip because walking in silence is boring

Me and Aries walked through the door of the detention room, but what we both saw was unlike anything we had seen in our lives. 

Sorry for the cliffhanger. I might try to do longer chapters during summer with two different Zodiacs Point of view's. Also, all of the zodiacs will be able to use their powers soon. Sorry if your a Leo, your chapter was just kind of an intro. The next chapter will be an info chapter. Thanks for reading!

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