Chapter 2

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Aries' POV

After the introduction, I was kind of nervous. The principle expected the angels to get along with the devils? They were complete opposites. The only devil I had ever gotten along with was Leo. Even then we weren't perfect with each other. Since school opened early today, there was about 30 minutes until class started, so I took some time to maybe make some friends. I walked up to the first person I saw. she had Fiery red hair and was sitting in the corner. "Hey, My names Aries, what's yours?" "Scorpio, but didn't you already hear my name in the opening?" "Sorry, I probably zoned out, I do that a lot." "It's fine." "So," I started. "What virtue do you represent?" "Diligence." She answered. "Cool. Mines temperance." We had gotten so invested in our conversation, we realized everyone had already left. I checked the time, it was 7:06. We were a couple minutes late for class. I grabbed Scorpio's hand and dragged her along the hall, stumbling a few times. We finally got to our classroom, and when we entered all eyes were on us. It was really embarrassing, but since it was the first day of school.

Time Skip brought to you by: School is boring so I've decided to skip that part.

(Still Aries' POV)

Finally, It was time for lunch! I don't usually eat much, but I like to take that time to socialize. I saw Scorpio sitting with a couple other people. I decided to join them, since Scorpio is the only person I can really trust anymore. " Aries! I'm so glad you came to join us!" Scorpio exclaimed. "Thanks, I can't wait to get to know the rest of you!" "We can start by introducing ourselves." Scorpio started. "I'm Scorpio, and I represent diligence." "I'm Aries, and I represent temperance." "I'm Virgo and I represent chastity." "I'm Aquarius and I represent forgiveness." I'm Capricorn and I represent Kindness." "And I'm Pisces and I represent Humility." We talked all the way until lunch was over.  After that we had all pretty much become best friends. We would always sit together in classes that day, gave each other our phone numbers, and were all hoping that some of us would get a dorm together.

*Time skip*

It was the end of the day, and the principal had ordered us all to meet him in his office at 4:00 to give us our door numbers. I had number 82. We weren't allowed to share our dorm number with each other until we got to them, so I just had to hope that i got with someone I liked. After opening the door, I saw a girl with dark brown hair and tattoos sitting on her bed with her eyes closed. "Hey, um I guess I'm your roommate. My names Aries, whats yours?" 'Taurus" She replied. The one time I actually had been listening at the opening was for Taurus. She was gluttony. I was Temperance. We were complete opposites. I think we both knew that this wasn't going to end well, so we just didn't talk that much. I texted all of my friends, asking who they got as a roommate. Virgo got Libra, Pisces got Leo, Capricorn got Sagittarius, and Aquarius got Cancer. (Wow that sounds wrong) The only person who didn't get with their opposite was Scorpio. She was with Gemini. I could tell that this wasn't going to end well.

Hey! How did you like the  chapter? Also, for the devils, basically the same thing happened, they all became best friends, did classes, and weren't happy with their roommate. The next chapter will be in maybe 1 or 2 days. Until then, just do whatever. Bye!

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